just incase you were wondering

Jan 26, 2006 16:54

i've got a big, very round, red RED mark on my chest.
it will soon turn into a bruise, i'm guessing?
arm, too.
new helmet needed. damn' OH for being a cheapass highschool when it comes to cool shit, but a richass boca school when it comes to lame shit.

and now for a short message from our sponsors.

who said this would be short dickwad
hello it is lacey gayle. \
i l o ve lacrosse. im basically the best platyeer and RUNNER omg i love the runn ing part

oi oi oi i prefer the coach
shes a tottalllllll babe
acalle me coachy mc co acherson
omg thius keyboard is haunted

im dying i lo ve la c rosee o mg i just cant s to p thinki ng about ite
jackie is my bees tfriend for maki ng me join such a cooooool sport.

itt ss better than softballal!!!!!!!!!

and now back to our paid programming...

Lacey is assdouche.
But I love her.
I'm in pain, but I love lax cause you know..ima dyke, and all.
Couting freckles on Lacey's face is not the same as counting freckles on Brady's cute, sleeping face, cause lacey is fugly, and infortunatly, awake.

hi mom
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