Aug 28, 2020 01:05
"Education does to you: nice, clean, eloquent, and truthful speech! Reality comes from people with clear minds there is the power! "
Since Ralf has died my ability to speak eloquent has diminished. My ability to be truthful, with my truth, has increased.
I can't find a way to clear my mind.
I've been noticing that there are people discussing the metal health implications of this pandemic. I've put little effort into finding out more. Basically I'm thinking that even the pros have a tough time. This is a once-in-a-lifetime event. How the hell do you train for a whole country needing help?
On top of that we have the second threat to our lives: 45.
In walking out of the office I noticed that I was not well intentioned towards others. I'm on guard feeling threatened by everybody.
Now we have the fire danger near us. That reminds me of global warming.
This is a really weird war
#musing #truth #education #threats