Two Sides of a Coin, Alice in Wonderland

Jul 23, 2012 10:28

Title: Two Sides of a Coin
Fandom: Alice in Wonderland (Burton)
Characters/Pairings: Alice Kingsleigh, Tarrant Hightopp
Rating & Warnings: K
Word Count: 1450+
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Friendship
Summary: Maybe, he thought, she didn’t want to be reminded of her actions. Perhaps, he worried, she was frightened by what she saw in his workshop.
Original Post Date: July 19, 2010

Part 1:
Tarrant knew there was something about standing on the balcony with Alice that made this a Memorable Moment. )

Part 2:
She walked away from the Hatter, and his hopeful expectations, feeling defeated. And she hadn’t even seen the Jaberwocky yet. )

character: alice kingsleigh, fic: alice in wonderland, character: tarrant hightopp

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