In Obscurum (Master Post), Alice in Wonderland

Nov 18, 2011 10:00

Title: In Obscurum  
Fandom: Burton's Alice in Wonderland
Pairing: Alice/Tarrant
Rating: T
Any Triggers/Warnings: Character Death, Violence, Torture (It's a real cheery story, LOL)
Summary: Trapped in Otherland, Alice must work with Iracebeth and her loyal subjects to fight off the advances of the rebellion headed by Hightopp.
Author's Notes: First of all, a big thanks to
just_a_dram  for running the
aiw_big_bang .  Secondly, this story wouldn't have come into play without the original idea of
chrismata1976  which can be found here and was used as a springboard for this story.  So a big THANK YOU for her idea.  Also, a big shout out goes to
skellagirl  who made some wonderful, awesome art *points above* Be sure to drop her some feedback, here.  Thanks so much!! Finally, a huge, enormous, gigantic thanks goes to my alpha/beta/cheerleader/sounding board
manniness.  She patiently sat through dozens of "I'm never gonna finish this story!!11!!!1!" messages, listened to a very skewed orginal idea, constantly encouraged me throughout the Big Bang and made this story better with her mad skills as a beta  (Seriously, one day I'll learn to use "had", LOL).  Thank you, dude! :D :D
Original Post Date: December 6, 2010

Prologue: The Revolt
Chapter 1: The Request
Chapter 2:  The Ruse
Chapter 3: The Revelation
Chapter 4: The Reunion
Chapter 5: The Resolve
Chapter 6: The Rescue
Chapter 7: The Resolution
Epilogue: The Release

character: chess, character: alice kingsleigh, character: tarrant hightopp, character: mally, character: original, fic: alice in wonderland, challenge: aiw_big_bang, character: mirana

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