Just Another Zombie Story (1/1), Tangled

Oct 31, 2011 10:50

Title: Just Another Zombie Story
Fandom: Tangled
Characters & Pairings: Rapunzel/Eugene
Rating & Warnings: PG
Word Count: 940
Genre:  Humor/"Horror"
Summary: Each year on the last day of October she always makes the same request: tell her a spooky story.
Author's Notes:  This was totally inspired by watching Zachary Levi's Zombie PSA when I watched it on sache8Read more... )

character: eugene fitzherbert, character: rapunzel, pairing: rapunzel/eugene, fic: tangled

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Comments 3

sache8 October 31 2011, 19:25:10 UTC

Eugene/Zac and zombies *fond*

That is all. ;-)


just_a_dram November 1 2011, 03:31:20 UTC
Though my personal favorite is Valentine’s Day. If you know what I mean.

:D He likes the sappy cards. *snicker*

I love how Eugene's ego is wrapped up in the strangest things, like being able to scare her. Bonus for snuggles, so he might protect her like a man. So, very, very Eugene and so very Rapunzel to spoil all his plans by looking at the world totally differently.

I like the idea of them carving a pumpkin too! What would each of theirs look like, I wonder? :)

Lovely, darling! Great end to my Halloween.


mrstater November 6 2011, 00:08:33 UTC
LOL Of course nothing would scare Rapunzel! I love that she feels sorry for the zombies, and LOL about whether the thugs at the Snuggly Duckling are zombies because they stink.

And Eugene just likes the sugar at Valentine's Day, doesn't he? ;)

So cute!


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