10 Years + 1 day

Oct 18, 2014 20:55

I meant to post yesterday to celebrate my 10 year Livejournal anniversary but the day got away from me. 10 years...wow, hard to believe.

I have never posted much, but I lurk every day, follow feeds, authors, a few friends who still post and a couple of communities.

Quick update, since I havn't posted in over a year! I had to put my cat Caramel (see userpic) down in December because she had been getting worse since the summer.

I got a new cat in July. Meet Mischa :

She is the friendliest cat I have ever had and a little kamikaze! She runs full tilt towards trees and uses the momentum to get as high as she can. Here she is in an olive tree with no big solid branch under her...

You may notice the itty bitty olives in the tree...yes, that means it is olive picking season! I will rant less than usual because due to a nasty fly attack in the region, we have to pick them as early and as quickly as possible. And, for once, it isn't cold, or rainy or miserable at all. It is in fact shorts and tanktop weather!

Not a fun way to spend the weekend, but we will be done by tomorrow.

In other news, work is better now that evilBoss! is about 90% retired. Much less noise and stress in the office!

Hopefully, I won't wait another year to post, but don't count on it... : )

caramel, evil! job, olive rant, mischa

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