Not dead + Birthday Wishes

Sep 15, 2008 18:21

So, the other day aurora_84  poked me to see if I was still alive. Yes, I'm still alive, still lurking most evenings reading loads of fic and keeping up with the flist, but generally not posting much. Nothing to report on the job front.

Had thirteen_skaterand her brother here for the summer, but as they get older they are more companions than kids to take care of, and they didn't insist on a single trip to the beach! Yay! We saw several films; Prince Caspian, Kung Fu Panda, Wall-E and Dark Knight, (why do I feel like singing 'one of these things is not like the of these things is not the same....' Wow, a Sesame Street moment...cringe....and a bit of touristing. My nephew"s new word for the summer was 'necropolis'. I doubt he remembers it anymore though...and many long discussions about Doctor Who...all in all a nice time was had by all I think.

Anyway the REAL reason I unlurked was to send this special message!


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