Aug 26, 2007 17:27
It's really hot today...for the first time all summer practically!
It was up to 37°C (about 97°F I think). I have not been this hot since Rome! ...melts.... I know others have had a really hot summer, but it's been quite unseasonably cool here this year, after an unseasonably mild winter. How odd.
Out of sheer boredom today, I created a bunch of tags and tagged many of my backentries. I rediscovered that I have had this journal since November 2004, huh. Didn't realize it was quite that long. Or that I REALLY don't post that often. I also mix subjects in my posts, so most got several tags. It was kind of nostalgic... Also? Have more total entries about pirate obsession than practically any other subject except travel. Yep, obsessed.
Not much going on. my brother is here until tomorrow, at which point he is off to the beachfront apartment near Montpellier he will be staying at until Christmas. Hopefully I will be able to pop away for a few weekends while he's there. Otherwise, things are quiet with his kids gone.
Should be a good day at work tomorrow, as the boss is off on a business trip, but he'll be back Tuesday. sigh....
ETA : Oh yeah! Meant to say that I was overwhelmed by the response to my little ficlet last week! I was totally stunned by the sheer number of comments. I'm not sure if that is because it is truly better than what I have written before or because it is a bigger fandom than I have ever posted to...whichever, it definitely means I will continue writing, and probably in that fandom (Naruto)!