momtothefey and I bought our house, we had planned on having making the two bedrooms upstairs into a nursery and an office, while we slept in the downstairs master bedroom. After all, isn’t that what normal people do?
Practicality being what it is, we have found that the arrangement does not suit our current lifestyle. Thus we have chosen to make a few unusual changes.
- We are going to finish the nursery as planned.
- We are going to move our bedroom into the upstairs bedroom next to the nursery, what currently is being used as our office.
- The office will be moved downstairs into the master bedroom and we will be using it as our temple/circle as well. This gives us a lot more room for ritual without having to move all the furniture around.
Therefore, the only time we need to go upstairs is when we are going to be going to bed.
I am willing looking forward to having the computers downstairs (except that Tree Faerie will need to be wrangled better) so that I can work on the computer and still spend time with the family.
Yes, this weekend will be filled with lots of painting, moving, drinking and bitching…and maybe even a little sex if we can get around to it.
(It had been way to long for me to go without having a sex tag)