Back at work. I am so terrible at getting to what I need to do after a break. First I had to sleep late and then read some... And now I am doing this. Ah well.
My weekend was fun in spite of, or perhaps because of, all the rain. The crazies, as Carl and I have determined we are probably known as at Atlanta State Park, spent the rainy weekend in a tent. Really. We arrived Friday night, when it was pretty clear, got the tent set up thankfully and our bedding in it before the heavens opened and began to rain down upon us. It stopped long enough Saturday morning for us to make some hot tea and then started up again.
We went to check in and they gave us a survey form. I tried to suggest better weather as a "what can we improve," but Carl wouldn't let me. But really, I thought it a good suggestion seeing as the first time we were there was the weekend of Hurricane Katrina, the second time was the coldest weekend of the year last year. And now two solid days of rain.
At that point we decided to abandon the outdoors for the time being and escape into town where we spent the day wandering through a bookstore and having chai tea. By the way, while chocolate chai is good, I wouldn't recommend it unless you are in the mood for a really, really rich drink. Then, we grabbed a hot meal and went back to the tent where we proceeded to play various forms of poker and other card games for a couple of hours while the rain continued to come down and the temperature dropped a bit.
We were starting to be concerned about the tent as well. While it was a very good tent, and held up to the rain quite well, at some point, sitting in a pool of water will start to have ill-effects. And in spite of Carl's best irrigation efforts, a pool of water it was. Only a bit got into the tent though. We were a bit worried that we would wake up swimming, but thankfully, that didn't happen.
We got up Sunday though and decided that we should pack it in for this trip and head home since we'd heard that a cold front would be following the rain. So, we packed everything up - still in the rain. We actually just bundled the tent into the back of my truck because it was so wet there was no way I was putting it in the cab with me. Then, we turned the cars on where the first thing I heard was the weather forecast - an ice storm to follow the rain coming through that evening. Thankful that we had already decided to head out, we drove on, grabbed lunch on the way and then drove the 4-5 hours home. Lucky me, I was driving in the direction of the storm, so I got to drive through rain the entire time. I was so ready for house and fire and warmth when I arrived!
It's not that I really object to rain all that much when necessary. If we had been on a trail, and had to hike to our next destination and such, I would have sucked it up and been as happy as I could be about it. But, as we weren't, I really didn't see a whole lot of point in staying in the rain and having then to drive through potential ice on the way home.
In any case, it was still a lot of fun and I got to see Carl which was the main point. Although, at some point, as a colleague of Carl's told him, "You've got a job now, spring for a B&B." ;)
Speaking of jobs, I go tomorrow to talk to the big boss about my potential job. Pray for me around 3 p.m. Wednesday! I can't tell you what specifically to pray for because I don't really know myself what I want... Maybe just pray for things to work out as they are supposed to, as God sees fit! :)
Steph, you see what you do to me?
You scored as Dragon. You are the Dragon. You store a lot of knowledge about everything. You are generally one who is good with personal growth and can regenerate yourself after a bad experience.
Which animal totem best suits you?created with