May 12, 2005 22:00
Well well well whats goin on in the world today. Star Wars 3, great. Who gives a fuck? Shit not even nerds wanna see it. Naw just kiddin robby. hehe there gone tonight and jojo, tyty, and me are here like usual fuckin around. Hah Star Wars. What the hell. Get that shit out of here. This aint a time for galactic spacships and lifesavers. come on. Why do we need that? How will that make our lives better? What okay... i'll remember to fuckin' save queen bitch from darth nads next time i run into a life/ death situation. What the hell is it not gonna be cheesy or what? Sticks some stars up your ass and have a war on the toilet to get them out is what i'll do later. i mean galactic servalince synatopia antidisestablishmentarionism - a real word unbelievably and i spelled it correct. Yeah who rocks the socks? Jack does thats who. So 8th grade day will suck probably and then geese will shit muskrats and eat them. I don't know what this journal is really about so stick a loly pop in your ear and sing doo dah day in may and play with hay and stay real gay i'll say HEY!