Today's happylist is going to be a little different, without drudging up the old emo, I've not been my happyshinyfishy self lately. But I'm trying to deal with the stuff in my life bringing me down. And um, this might make me a TOTAL EGOMANIAC (if I'm not already) but I need to sort of give myself props on some things.
So again, TOTAL EGOMANIAC alert.
Things I'm Proud of Myself for Doing:
- Making my bed! I've never really bothered to do so except in summer camp, and at one point during color war they like, assigned people from my team to make my bed FOR me since I fail at hospital corners something horrible. But like, I get why it's nice to come home to a made bed. And so, props to me for makin' it. :D
- Keeping a very calm, even tone when talking to angry/upset parents on the phone. And ingenious use of double-speak. "We are not able to offer your son/daughter a place in our program at this time" = "Your kid sucks. Go away."
- Sticking to my To-Do list. OMG I love my Metallipod! The little "notes" app is saving my ass at work because hi, I have a horrible memory so now whenever I remember something I have to do on the fly, I just type it in. Same goes for writing, if I think of a scene but don't want to start writing it? NOTE! There's a bunch of seapony notes in there too!
- Saying 'no' to crazyboss. Because if I don't make her understand that I'm working for two departments at the same time (one of which is 3x BIGGER than hers), she'll continue treating me like I don't.
- Eating breakfast AND lunch. Seriously, I'm so bad at eating during the day. Sometimes I only eat one or the other or on really bad days NEITHER and then I stuff myself with food all night so I can't sleep and ugh, it's a vicious cycle. So, yay I'm eating! *noms on frozen pop tart*
- Making plans for my vacation days. I figured out I have 6 days to use before September 1st when they reset, which means I don't have to worry about saving any for Wincon! \o/ And I totally will take an actual vacation and like, LEAVE the tri-state area.
- Kicking butt on Big Bang. 'Nuff said. I think we all deserve props for pushing through and getting our wordcounts rolling. So everyone on my flist posting theirs just makes me even PROUDER that we're all doing it together. ♥
It's totally cheesy I know, but what have YOU done today, that made you feel proud? Give yourself some snaps! Or just tell me, and I will give them to YOU.