I even made up a song and everything

Jan 13, 2008 12:36

Thanks to everyone who patted me on the head and told me I was freaking out for no reason yesterday. I just have my random moments of bitchery, and then I succumb to peer pressure regardless:

I'm offering up my mad fic-writing skillz to produce 3,000 - 5,000 words (or more if the moment strikes me) of fic for you! My main fandoms are Supernatural & SPN-CWRPS. I write slash primarily, Sam/Dean or Jensen/Jared, but am willing to open up to other pairings. Gen and Het are also on the table, contact me if you want to talk specifics before bidding!

I won't write: non-con, threesomes, explicit underage (wherein one partner is under 17 years of age). I will write humor and AU's and angst and sometimes I re-write fairytales but can throw in lots of naughty things and make people touch their fun bits for you. For examples of my writing go here: http://memphis86.livejournal.com/17809.html

That's right, you can buy me and make me type until all my fingers fall off and I have to go live on an island with katjad or something. But yes! I will go for pennies! Awesome! \o/


And while I didn't do anything to my hair on Friday (dying it today, hopefully my greenish-blondish roots will GO AWAY), I did get something cool:

Which is short for Fluffhead Lemmiwinks. (I either give my animals ridiculous names or academic ones.) He's a teensy tiny dwarf hamster and he's the cutest little fluffy ball of fluff EVER. And he lives in a pink palace because he's secure in his masculinity (and my roommate used to have a girl hamster and she's just letting me use the cage so yay!)

I get to go to dinner tonight with my parents! Which means free food and I can get drunk! :D

fluffhead lemmiwinks, trial by fire fic, bring it on in to omletteville, spazzmonkey: it's what's for dinner, i'm attempting to actually do this, sweet charity, photos, hamster love, writing, i have a petting zoo

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