Little more than three things, but humor me

Apr 21, 2007 02:05

First of all, this makes me laugh--a lot. And this is such a fangirl thing to say, but I can totally see Dean following it. Hell, he might've friggin' wrote it.

Second, I'm not feeling particularly eloquent, so let's just say that Hollywood Babylon made my heart go beep. Especially since I used to be a PA, and I was usually in charge of ordering the food. Mmmm, sammiches. I didn't think it was possible to love Dean anymore then that. (Was that even spoilery enough to rate a cut? Whateves.)

Thirdly, I totally forgot about the entire month of May last night. I was lying down and suddenly got one of those adrenaline rushes to the head and was all like, "Holy crap, it's June in like 2 weeks! Things must be done! My evol!Sam story hasn't even begun past outlines/plotting! My lease needs to be re-signed! Is my roommate gonna move out?! AUGH!"

But then the rational part of my brain switched on and was like "Um, May? May exists in-between April and June, dummy."

So, apologies to May.


Will be in Woodstock 'til Sunday night, drinking wine out of my bee-cup and fraternizing with hippies, AWESOME.

Am contemplating posting what would be my first (and so far, only) RPS J2 AU (acronym, much?) fic. Which is also, may I mention? Crack. Like the kind of thing that will get me sent right too the special part of hell. Not just the heathen non-believer skeptic section of hell, but the OMG heathen and a pervert part. Like I'll be frozen in ice or chewed up or something. So there are things to consider.

Then again, I am ridiculously tired of being timid and shy.


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