You make the rockin' world go 'round!

Nov 04, 2007 10:58

Thank you to everyone who e-mailed, and left comments here or here. Even if you don't know dark_reaction (Lauren). It was so very kind of you. *hugs* And even if you didn't comment but you thought them well, same deal.

Okay, um she really wouldn't want me to wallow in emo until things magically become better. How'd you like a Happylist?

    1. This art posted to jubjubfest last night by deadboywalking. It's sooooo freaking adorable!! SAMMICH!!

    2. Yeah, that dream I had Friday night? Totally writing it. *facepalm* Though like I said, it's not the first time I wrote something I dreamed of first.

    3. It's finally cold and autumn-y out! I have changed my layout in celebration. Also because it matches my new default icon. (Hi, I like Ruby. Mostly because she sounds like Dee. This journal is officially safe for Ruby-squee. But I understand if you don't share my passion for the little squeaky voiced angel on Sammich's shoulder. WE CAN STILL BE'S FWENDS.)

    4. House continues to bring the awesome. Cole and 13 are my favorites. And they are the FIRST het pairing I really want to write. I want to write like, angsty drawn-out fic where they agaonize over their feelings and chemistry, Cole because he's a Mormon, 13 because she's afraid of commitment/kids. But in the end they just, do it, one stormy night, and never want to talk of it ever again. And there's even more angst and longing and really, really hot sacrilicious sex. And House hits on 13 and Cole is all JEALOUSJEALOUSJEALOUS and maybe punches him again. And Foreman! Foreman is there at House's side to snark and Cameron tries to get them to hook up for real and Chase starts another betting pool. In the end they resolve to be like, quietly and desperately in love with each other and not see anybody else. 13 comes over one night and watches TV with his kid and shows him she's not afraid to give it a shot, so they have dinner and it's like this wholly asexual and tense thing. But then the kid goes to bed and Cole's like I AM MAKING AN EXECUTIVE DECISION and they have sex and it's WONDERFUL. AND AND AND-AAAAHHHH!!! I WAAAAANT.

    I have NOT been able to find a single House comm for Cole OR 13, it's very upsetting.

    5. I build little universes like that in my head. *points up* OMG! Show me yours? SPN or RPS or another media source? Please?

    6. I've really been happy with fandom lately. FANDOM GETS ON THE LIST! Even if you do have these like sekrit undground wanks that I never know about until they're over and the love meme shows up.

    7. Meme is pronounced the way I thought it was, I had the Speech teacher at my school look it up in a pronounciation key. YES I AM THIS ANAL. (And that's what your favorite Winchester or J said last night!)

    8. I'm gonna watch Love, Actually and Nightmare Before Christmas and maybe Elf today. I am so ready for the holidays! Oh!! And my roommate (Penguin) got a job at Macy's Santaland!! I AM TOTALLY TAKING GROUPS OF PEOPLE TO VISIT HER!! And she's ADORABLE. If you knew Penguin, you'd know how suited she is to be a Macy's elf.

    9. Speaking of holidays, I've been thinking of sending (post?)cards out to mein friends here in LJ-land. Sound like something you'd want? Even if it's like on really cheesey or kitschy cards? (I'm silly like that)

    10. This happylist was way longer than expected. Which just means I have MORE to be happy about then I first thought. YAAAAY!!

P.S. I am trying out these customized comment-pages things. If you hate them, let me know.

house, twinchesters, recs, supernatural, cole/13, wincest, the happy list

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