
Sep 15, 2010 01:51

Or something.

  1. Not dead! Ask me how!
  2. Bahleeted about half my icons for new ones. Ahhhhh, omg this feels so much better.
  3. Netflix instant streaming on my Wii is RUINING ME FOR LIIIIFE. Or regular tv. Whatevs.
  4. I am on a massive, MASSIVE nostalgia kick and am finding myself more and more drawn back to my Fandom Prime: COMICS. KSAhkjsfhjsfhas okay when did it suddenly become cool for Marvel to get all sparkly-shiny in my eyes again? I was a DC girl before, damn it! D: D:
  5. But no, really: YOUNG AVENGERS. RUINING MEEEEE. I am actually gonna make myself a moodtheme during my YK fasting now that I figured out LiveQuartz... GYAH...
  6. Still haven't seen Inception. Still don't care. :D

Oh, did anyone catch a trailer for the next season of that show or something? I've heard a few whispers here and thereabouts.

sarcasm ninja, comics are still my forever girl, gip, pointlessness, lists

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