1. Upon the frosted layer of the cake that is my mind, I am cranky and sore and my stomach and my head feel like crap because I am an IDIOT and I haven't like, eaten more than 1 meal a day since Tuesday because did I mention I am an IDIOT? *headdesk* ALSO IT HAS MADE ME INCREDIBLY BITTER & FRUSTRATED ABOUT JOHNNY WEIR, DON'T ASK ME WHY. >:F
2. I believe I have solved the problem because I went out and bought myself food that I can make myself eat on a regular basis. Yay for Trader Joe's!
3. I actually had a very nice discussion today with the lovely
drvsilla! And I tried Tim Horton's coffee in Union Square, it was v. nice. You Canadians are totally justified for the Tim Horton's love, bbs.
3.5 Said lovely discussion made me really excited about Big Bang! And about other fandomy things and onto point number four-
4. I've said it before, but I have been feeling this fandomish renaissance and love for all things SHOW and I have been re-watching episodes and reading more fic than I usually do and it is giving me a case of the Warm Fuzzies. I might start just like, doing cheeseball lovey things and all that jazz if you're not careful. Please make judicial use of protective gear when entering my hug-radius.
5. In non-SPN related news, I have watched last week's House 3 times, and it keeps getting better.
I really love Cuddy so much, and I love that end scene SFM because it's like domestic and loving and Lucas/Cuddy makes me so damn happy. That's right Lisa, you put his hand back on your ass! :D I kind of want that someday. A lot.
6. Within the marble-swirl center of the cake that is my mind, I am dichotomy-flavored. Happy and drained. Excited and fearful. Hopeful and cynical.
Vanilla and chocolate.