and for payment I will take her first-born child unless she guesses my name.

Jan 05, 2010 03:38

'Allo flist!

So I'm sitting here amidst the chaos that is me helping loony_moony pack her entire LIFE away before 10am today. Things are quiet and yet not quiet and hectic but we're both past the point of sleep and are running on FUMES. Fumes, I tells yah.

They do tend to make me a little punchy, for lack of a better term. Kind of like how I get when I can't sleep on planes so I get really ridiculously silly to everything around me.

Things wot to read and possibly clicket:
  • OMG spn_j2_bigbang!! Yes, I will probably sign up again, I have some ideas that have been stewing, maybe one of them could go to 20k. :D
  • And in that vein, secretlytodream made a sort of 'teaser' trailer for it! Go watch it here! Yes I saw, and I totally lol'd when I saw Dean's o_O faaaace and omg that was unexpected and yeah, awww shucks. *scuffles toes*
  • Speaking of Dean Winchester's faaaaace, and well Sam's faaaace, me and Moonay re-watched It's A Terrible Life. GUH. Just, GYUUUUUH. Our boys are just so damn PRETTY and Jensen fucking Ackles should be illegal in several states because of the high levels of UNF he creates. THOSE FUCKING EYELASHES, FUUUUCK. ♥___♥
  • Fuck, I love our bloody fandom today. True story.
  • We are still holding ignited's Tauntaun hostage, it seems. /stefgetbackontheinternetyoudork

Oh flisty, I missed typing on a laptop so much. So glad my lappy is back from oblivion.

big bang, jared padalecki is made of smiles, jensen ackles is rather pretty, robot kibble, moonsdy is itouchy, jensen is a pretty little thing

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