I've had that phrase in my head for a while. I think it was in a comic book. Speaking of, I really should some day post and picspam my srs bzns feelings about post-ZH
Lyle Norg. I had a rejuvenating Lyle moment right before I left for Wincon. Maybe after I tell you about my BFF D'Argo.
I'm back from Denver and Le
winchestercon and boy are my toes cold. My [boy] roommate was all like "T'chaaaa... I thought the apartment was warm?" when I asked him about the tundra-like conditions I had come home to. Luckily my landlord was awake and able to navigate through the polar bears and arctic foxes that had taken up residence in the house in order to turn the heat on, and so now I know for the future that I can do it without him being here. Maybe we'll just go CRAZY and turn it up to seventy-FIVE.
Watched the new ep of South Park tonight along with other TV I'd missed.
And after this weekend, the scenes of the plane just sitting on the runway and not taking off echoed my life SO HARD. Damn you, Delta. Fucking JFK too.
I owe people follow-up. Like, comments and emails and callbacks and OMG THANK YOU for the birthday card,
kashmir1!! I will send you a more formal response though, it made me make with the glee when I saw it. ♥
I also have TWO ponyhorses thanks to my roommate, regulation_eclectic. Their names are Black and Tan:
(OBVIOUSLY, Tan is the one on the left.)
If you get the reference, you may have a nametag that reads "Hello my name is: HUMMINGBIRD SALTALAMACCHIA". Say whaaaaaaaaaaaaat?