Every Rex Manning has his day

Sep 17, 2009 16:09

When you see this post...

"Could you do me a favor there, Satan, and remind me to quit drinking before I go to bed?"

YAAAAAAAAAAY Rex Manning Day!! I am well-rested from a day spent in sleeping, drinking juice and resting my poor, broken voice.


Snaggled from girlmostlikely:

My username is: memphis86. Memphis is my name. 86 is one of my favorite numbers because of a Green Day song, which is a little nihilistic the more I think about it, but I like it. And then I found out that Memphis, Egypt is listed as #86 in the U.N. database so I decided to make that as part of my username.

My journal name is: wearing Alice Bands and short skirts, because that's what I do. I'm kid of meh on it right now, and it will likely change the next time something quotable pops into my head.

My title is: A monk that likes iPods. This came from an IM conversation I had with dark_reaction, which I was able to stumble upon the transcript of (thank you, Adium). It was in reference to when my old roommate moved out earlier in the year and she had so much STUFF in her life that I looked like an ascetic in comparison.

And then we devolved into writing dirty limericks about Brock Kelly and Cam Gigandet. It was all very zen.

My subtitle is: yellow daisy, a dandelion, or a pussy willow. Which is a line from the Veruca Salt song, Forsythia. I remember reading some old interview where Nina Gordon explained she used to make up stories about an imaginary twin sister named Forsythia when she was little. And suddenly her friends were more interested in Forsythia than her. It kind of spoke to me about the power of a good storyteller mixed in with deception and self-doubt and yeah, I just really like the song. I make up stories too.

My friends page is called: Against her yellow, I'm no longer me, another line from Forsythia.

My default userpic:

IDK, MY BFF KATIE CASSIDY. I love Katie Cassidy and if I could I would buy her a cherry soda or something. That's all.

Also, I like to pick my default icons as ones with slightly neutral expressions, something with a smile, but not a beaming constant happy smile, just something a few degrees closer to happy than not.

quotes, twinstar, meme-fish eighty six, supernatural, about moi, rex manning day, lauren likes having tags

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