Apr 06, 2009 22:01

Not dead! Still here! Just being quiet because it's my way.

Things that are an absolute mindfuck:
  • Farscape

  • Philosophy Red Velvet Cake lip shine

  • Watching Farscape with my [EVIL] roommate who has seen the entire series and REFUSES TO SPOIL ME or show me the awesome episode with the fishnets again until I get to it.

  • The fact that I seriously believe Aeryn Sun will get John Crichton pregnant. And it will be AWESOME.

  • Also the fact that I am (gasp) considering writing now. OMG IT'S LIKE I LIKE WRITING BOYS TOUCHING OR SOMETHING. WTF??

  • ETA: Charlie the Unicorn 3!!

I'm going to watch some more True Blood because I need sexyvampiretubtiems. Ugh, I need to find a download of the theme song like whoa.

farscape; yes farscape, john crichton will get pregnant, lists, wanna do real bad things to you, lafayette ftw!!, blah blah, the happy list, lip stuff makes me happy

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