Ninja Cowboy Hamlet Dean thinks there's something rotten in the state of Ninja Texas.

Jan 07, 2009 12:41

So there's this: Blindfold - The First SPN Anonymous Kink Meme

It's pretty awesome if you're looking for kinks to get fulfilled. For me, it's just proof to myself how INCREDIBLY prudish and boring I am. It's not so much the acts that get me going, it's the emotions and gestures behind them. *nods*

Unless... is safe sex a kink? Because when a writer pauses everything and someone stops to put on a condom, I get all YAYZ! \O/

I dunno, there's something in there that injects a little reality in it for me that makes me squee. I mean, you could be writing an AU where Sam and Dean are space ninja cowboy ballerinas reciting Shakespeare, and it's the most ridiculous and implausible thing, but if Space Ninja Ballerina Sam says to Ninja Cowboy Hamlet Dean; "Excellent foreplay, now where do you keep your condoms, Earthling Dean?" It means a lot to me. I can't explain why any better than that it shows you care and you're a responsible Space Ninja Ballerina or whatever, and it's all that stuff about being Sex-Positive that I learned about and promoted in college.

♥ the fanficcers love meme, continued


Um, random query. I've been toying with the idea of a separate LJ just for my fics for a while now. For those of you that have things like that, comms or alternate LJs that you post fannish stuff to, how is it for you? Do you think it was a better thing? Or did you not like it and abandon it after a while? Would you rather I just keep posting fic to here and not have to deal with double posts, etc?

pimpage, thinksyness, meme-fish eighty six, query to the flist, writing, kinksyness

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