someone had to pay the price

Nov 15, 2008 11:29

So I did get drunk last night but still didn't feel up to watching SPN, so I watched "Hush" from Buffy S4 instead. God DAMN I still love that show and I forgot it was the first one with Tara! And Willow! And the hand-holding!! And the FORESHADOWING!!! EEEEE!! Young Witches in LOVE! :D :D Oh god, now I'm getting all misty for Willow/Tara... I WILL PRETEND THAT SHE IS NOT DEAD AND HER AND WILLOW STILL LIVE WITH MISS KITTY FANTASTICO!

And I still HATE THE CRAP OUT OF RILEY. And Anya. SOOO MUCH CHEWY CHEWY HATE FOR THEM. (Yes I am an old-school Buffy/Angel and Xander/Cordy shipper).



Back to the present fandom.

Watched it this morning, was expecting to have more of a visceral reaction but since I spoiled myself it had a numbing effect and GOOD because I might have gone off on a KATIE!!! rant bigger then last night's. I would have taught myself PowerPoint and given y'all a presentation on why Katie wins and Genny fails at life. Or Ruby. WHICHEVER.

That being said, I was pleased with Secretary!Ruby actually? She seemed more Ruby to me then when this Ruby woke up in the hospital and gave the awkward french fry line. I think it clicked then and there, okay Gen just has a really DRY delivery and voice. And that's what nags at me. Katie was all squeaky and had a more lively way of speaking. Gen doesn't.

HOWEVER. I think that might have been MY RUBY THERE?! I mean, I started to grok it after a while. So I am officially giving Gen more time and amnesty to get into the character. I get that it's hard to keep a consistent character as she spans over different actresses. And they're trying! So I'm going to try to look past my GIGANTIC KATIE BIAS and accept Newby for who she is. (For now.)

I still have my Death Cock theories about girls who get penetrated by Sam, and that they are not long for this world. And hey, I'm like Dean. I trust demons on this show as far as I can throw 'em. For all we know Lilith is lying in wait, a piece of her essence still attached to Ruby's spirit like a tracking collar. I wouldn't be surprised if her eyes go white at the end of the season.

Alastair interests me, as well as Anna. I think she's gonna put a bullet in her brain though, sacrificing herself for the greater good. She's lost everything, her family, her standing as a sane person in the world (therfore, her freedom) and her career (got pulled out of college, right?) She's set up for not losing much if she offs herself, but serving a much greater purpose in the big picture. Her life will have had meaning and Dean and Sam will have chewy chewy angst and FORESHADOWING because of it.

Yep. I has thinky-thoughts about Sam and the idea of self-sacrifice so he can't be used as a weapon. Maybe Ruby's trying to save him A LITTLE TOO MUCH for my tastes.

(Of course, this could be Buffy residue from The Gift, here.)

I'm not touching the necrophilia issue with a ten-foot pole because y'all beat me to it. I will say that all my jokes about Sam Winchester and dead hookers just got THAT MUCH MORE FUNNY.

shoooooooooow, i love katie freaking cassidy, ruby look what you do to me, wool-gathering, newby is the new coke of demons, episodey stuff, waxing intellectual, sam winchester kills hookers, thinksyness, btvs still pwns me, supernatural, spn musings, sammy loves buffy the vampire slayer

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