the way you move is a mystery

Jun 04, 2008 08:14

I hate computers so much right now. God fucking damn it, I spent like 30 minutes typing up this entry and it fucking DELETED and wouldn't let me Ctrl-Z and IOUWDGBOWFVBEWOLBWUDF HAAATE FUCK SHIT DIE HAAAAAAAAATE.

Okay, okay, deep breaths.

Thank you karmicunderpath and cathybites for the secret reasons you know why you made me smile this morning. ♥


walkawayslowly tagged me for this music meme:

Here are the rules-
1. Reply to this post and I'll assign you a letter.
2. List (and upload, if you feel like it) 5 songs that start with that letter.
3. Post them to your journal with these instructions.

And she gave me I, so I tried to find songs that didn't feel like cheating by just using the word "I" as a starter:

Intergalactic - Beastie Boys
Indigo Boy - Esthero
Into the White - The Pixies
Idioteque - Radiohead
Intervention - Arcade Fire


I am really, really happy that Obama won the nomination. And I really hope that he wins. I like the fact that he's actually more fiscally conservatives and there are insiders saying that he leans more towards being a "true" Republican, not the neo-cons in sheep's clothing that run the GOP these days.

[Okay, my personal politics in brief. I am a registered Democrat and probably will remain a Democrat because I live and vote in the BLUEST state aside from California, in the most Democratic city, etc. etc. But! True Republican ideals of SMALL government appeal to me. And I am by no means a fan of socialism. I believe the free market is a beautiful, beautiful thing. I think the Democratic party has a lot of innately shitty policies. I think true Republicans have lost their voice in the party. Call me something of a hybrid capitalist-liberal-pragma-ocrat, but whatever. I believe in what I believe in, and I hate it when people assume I'm a socialist because I have liberal views and went to a REALLY socialist and liberal college.]

I was torn during this election, and I really, really regret voting for Clinton in the primary. I mean, I felt like I wasted a voice that I had, because I listened to others. Originally, I was really excited about Joe Biden, but by the time the NY primary came around, he was pretty much done, and it was a Clinton v. Obama race.

My Dad talked to me about Obama's lack of experience and criticized my choice as that of a young idealist. That Obama wasn't steeped in enough reality. I shrugged this off as much as I could, because my Dad isn't a citizen, he doesn't do jury duty, he doesn't vote, and doesn't have the right to complain. But my Dad is my Dad, and I love him and so I listened to what he had to say and considered it.

A co-worker of mine was campaigning HARDCORE for Clinton and tried to sway my vote as well. He outlined all the reasons she was a candidate for liberals and equality, and how he had hopes that she would make good on issues like health care, the war in Iraq, and gay rights. I listened to him, and started seriously thinking about Clinton.

In the voting booth, I was so torn. My hand was hovering over my choices, it kept going back and forth. Obama, Clinton, Obama, Clinton... I couldn't choose, I wanted to click Obama, wanted him to win, wanted him in the White House... But my logic was overpowering, and my critical and analytic reasoning was winning. She was more experienced... What ended up swaying me however, was David Dinkins, former mayor of New York City. He was on Clinton's ticket.

When I was little, the very first time I went with my Mother to vote was for Dinkins. She let me come in the booth, and watch as she proudly flipped the switch, casting her vote for him. I remember being so happy for her, and so happy when he won. The very first black mayor of New York, I felt like we were a part of history. That finally a change had come.

So come November, I will be proudly voting for Obama. And if there's a Clinton running with him? I kinda would rather it be BILL right now. Hillary has really burned me these past few weeks.

Also, this video of Clinton's speech makes me laugh SO HARD because of that goober in the yellow stripes behind her. Someone get that boy some DECAF seriously. WHY IS EVERYTHING SO AWESOME??

grrr argh, argh, meme-fish eighty six, blah blah, music, politicky

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