this is where i rant and feel free to sound as crazy and psychotic as i want to.

Dec 13, 2009 20:50

Damn, I can't believe I ever fought for the other side.

There are certain things I have done in my life that I am extremely not proud of.
Labeling myself as anti-feminist, until I came to college and educated myself on the subject,
is one of them. A huge one.

I find myself getting into heated debates, trying to convince others (of both sexes!) that, yes, they too are feminists. Or, at least, that feminism isn't what they think it is.
That's probably not the best way to approach it, but I need to get some mileage out of this soap box. (Shit ain't cheap.)

"Do you believe in equal rights for both men and women? Then you're a feminist, goddamnit..."
I like to ask prejudicial questions like this. I know it's bad. I know. BUT IT IS SO EFFECTIVE.

"No, I have never wanted to burn my bra. No, I don't know anyone else who has wanted to, either."
Like...really? I have actually had to say this. True life, ya'lls is a kind of a dumbass

"Yes, you can believe in equal rights for minorities, old people, handicapped people, people of all socioeconomic statuses, be a republican and still be a feminist."
(...Ok. Maybe not the republican part.)

"Because it's MY body, damnit."
I don't support the war, but I support our troops. My (parents') tax money supports the troops, too. So stop fucking whining about abortion already, you assholes.

Like I said, do me a favor. Go out and educate yourself before you run your mouth to me, repeating the same thing over and over and NOT backing up any claims at all. (I promise you, no one has ever had a solid argument against me. I'm not just saying this because I think I'm awesome. THIS IS A MATTER OF NAIVETY)
You KNOW I know my shit. I've proven it many a times.

So why is it that I get the eye rolls, the judgmental stares and the hateful whispers?
Because I stand up for what I believe in? For what is inherently and supposedly constituionally right?

Uh. Ok.

Alright, alright. Part of it is because I'm a judgemental, imposing cow and yadayadayada. But really. PROVE ME WRONG. THEN WE'LL TALK.

So, do some fucking research and stop giving feminists--and yourself (take that in whichever way you wish to interpret it)--a bad name.

I'm angry and really like not studying
I promise I'm not a huge bitch I just don't know how to fight in a friendly way
Maybe I help make feminists look bad, I don't fucking know

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