[disney_academy] information

Mar 06, 2011 22:51

❦ Mun
Name: Malathyne
Journal: strikeraids
Contact Info:
AIM: strikeraids ; thinemalathyne
Plurk: http://www.plurk.com/Malathyne
Email: when.all.your.dreams.come.true [at] gmail
Other Characters: n/a

❦ Character Info
Name: Xion
Movie/series: Kingdom Hearts
Year/Position: Freshman year of high school
Non-Speaking Animal Companion (if any): n/a
Powers (if any): As a doll, she has the ability to mimic the traits and abilities of other people. In this way, she has an almost photographic memory; she retains what she sees and then reproduces it in a quality that is at least decent. On the other hand, she could also drain, via touch, another's life energy and powers. If she absorbs enough at once, she could possibly kill you in doing so (see: in canon, Riku Replica and the death of Zexion).

But more than that, she has a natural aptitude for magic, though she does not currently know any, as no spells were programmed into her knowledge. Whereas her 'brother' is talented when it comes to manipulating darkness, Xion has an innate ability to tap into the opposite. Darkness is founded in negativity; light is thusly based in positivity. Though she doesn't know the power lies within her to utilize that light, it is there nonetheless.
Canon history: even though I don't like this one
AU history: There isn't much to tell about Xion's history, as it isn't very long. She hasn't been in existence for very long; Xion was created, not born. Xehanort decided to try to build a being immune to the Mist, and so he constructed two dolls, one female, one male. The former he named Xion; the latter, Mera. He programmed into them proficiencies with academic fields (science, math, literature, philosophy, physics, psychology, etc., etc., but especially the first two), but not so much emotional concepts like love and friendship. He did, however, infuse into them the importance of family. After all, he programmed into them the things he viewed as most important, and as such, the doll Xion stayed close to Xehanort and Mera, the ones she was taught to call family.

But unbeknowest to Xehanort, he also bestowed in the design of his dolls something else. Due to the nature of their resistence to the Mist, Mera and Xion have the ability to tap into the negative and positive energy -- the darkness and the light -- in themselves and those around them. Mera leans more towards darkness; Xion, however, has an easier time handling the light, though she isn't yet aware of this.
Personality: Xion is, on default, a quiet, shy girl. This doesn't mean she isn't friendly, it just simply means that she's naturally quiet. She is an introvert, and instinctively turns inward to find the answers and solutions to the questions and conflicts of life. She tries to carry the weight of the world on her shoulders, keeping her thoughts and feelings to herself instead of relying on her friends, as important they are to her. She is also accordingly solitary; when she is upset and conflicted, she does not turn to even her best friends for support, and instead she closes herself off in her room to think. When she has a problem, she's more likely to just turn to people she looks up to for advice; in canon, she never, never tells Roxas her innermost problems or goes to him for comfort, instead turning to Axel with questions and then going off to her room to think and work things out by herself.

Xion keeps her problems inside and needs the space to think. She's known to unintentionally grow distant or even cold if she's being held up from her Quiet Time, even if her behavior hurts the feelings of those around her. There are times she just wants to be left alone (for various reasons, usually because she's terrified of what someone thinks of her), and that's when she can get snippy, even with people she likes. She can easily get lost in her thoughts, as she gets wrapped up in her personal issues and has trouble seeing beyond them. Her tendency to keep her thoughts and feelings and secrets and fears close to her heart coupled with her surprising personality 180 can sometimes make her difficult to understand.

Despite this, she is in actuality a very sweet creature, always wanting to please and find approval. She wants to be wanted, she aches to belong, and she's prone to doing what she thinks the people around her will like, subconsciously hoping that it will earn their love. She is just also extremely shy in the face of new people. Her thirst for approval is coupled with an anxiety that she'll actually get the opposite, so it turns her almost mute in the company of people she doesn't know very well. This can make it difficult to get her to open up, but all it takes is a little coaxing and an offer of friendship.

She has been described as emotionally fragile, and because of her insecurity, she certainly gives off that vibe -- of something small, soft, easily broken, something to protect and cherish -- but it is more like there are some very sensitive areas that, when breached, make her react in very emotional ways. She is very insecure about who she is as a person. The knowledge that she is just a doll, created as an experiment and not born like her peers, makes that subject especially sensitive. Although she is a "turn inward" type of person, she is also a "lash out" type, and so when she feels strong emotion, she cannot stop it from showing. When angry and upset, she's likely to fall to childish insults, going as far as to call Riku and Saïx "jerks" in canon and over-emphasizing her point in ineloquent ways (using all capital letters in her diary to make her point that she isn't a "sham"). Her words in personal arguments are far from poignant and thus reflect her... well, youthful nature.

She is especially sensitive to failure; just one will send her spiraling into a panic. Failure is unacceptable, as it means she's useless and therefore dispensable. Because she is so insecure about her role and purpose in life, the concept of being worthless terrifies her; if she is, what good is she? She wants to be important, not only to her friends, but to everyone else and herself, too. She feels a need to prove herself because if she doesn't... She's nothing, and she might as well not exist, and she really does wants to live. She wants to stay with her best friends, to support and protect them, to laugh and eat ice cream with them. She wants to live for them, but failing that, she's just as willing to die for them.

Xion flocks to kindness and acceptance like a moth drawn to flame. Be kind to her, and she will return that kindness with (first surprise, but then) her own. This is the quickest way to earn her trust, and once her friendship is earned, it is very difficult to break. Breaking promises and betraying friends just isn't in her nature, and it's hard for her to cut off a friendship, even if she has a very good reason for doing so. She loves her friends with every fiber of her being. They are the center of her world, her inspiration and motivation, and she needs them to have any state of stability. Her friends are the ones who embrace her for who she is, and she needs that, as if it validates her -- as if they are what make her "real."

Do not mistake her shy and sensitive nature to mean that she is meek and mild as well; she is quite the opposite. Like Kairi, she has a sisterly attitude towards her close friends. She worries (a lot) about and looks out for them, and she is always ready to protect and support them. Her friends are her everything, and she is loyal to them to a fault. Around them, she relaxes and opens up, and she will laugh and joke and tease her friends, playfully competitive and almost bouncy with optimism and cheer.

When she is comfortable, she can be even confident in herself and her abilities, which can come as a surprise to those who have seen her lowest moments. She is a very determined individual, and when she has made up her mind to do something, she follows through with it, even if she is second-guessing herself all the while. She is also curious and observant, taking delight in learning new things and meeting new people (despite her severe shyness around people she doesn't know), noticing little details and drawing conclusions from them. Her intelligence can come across as surprising; she processes information and is capable of putting pieces together... when it comes to academic subjects, that is. When it comes to people, she may be empathetic and good at seeing the different sides of an issue, but she is clueless in the area of emotions and the bonds that form between people. She has a lot to learn and a long way to grow, and, just like her creator, she is not prepared at all for what is to come.
Greatest Fear: To summarize what was stated above, Xion's greatest fear is to be unwanted and thusly abandoned. She fears failure, because she feels that failure makes her useless in the eyes of Xehanort her family (and, eventually, her friends), and that would mean she is worthless to them, meaning they do not care or want her. Her loved ones are the ones that, in her mind, validate her existence. If they don't want her, why does (should) she exist?
What are your plans with this character?: I'm playing a Xion who is essentially at the beginning of her life. She gets to go through life, learn everything there is to learn, make friends, build typically canon CR... My plan for Xion is to take her back to the start of her existence, aiming her at a series of obstacles, and saying "go" just to see what happens -- and how she grows -- from there.
❦ Writing
Third person writing sample: Xion sits and stares at her philosophy homework. It isn't a difficult subject; there isn't anything in school that's difficult for her or for her brother. School is something they're just good at. It almost feels like she doesn't even have to try. It all comes so easily, almost as if it's what she was born to do.

Which... Really, it kind of is.

She's meant to be smart. She's meant to be good at fighting strangelings, at resisting the Mist, at excelling in anything academic. These are the things that Xehanort thinks are important. These are the things that he created her -- and Mera -- to do. And she's okay with that. Really, she is. Because since those things are important to him, they're important to her, too. It's the way it is. (But is it important to her because he made it that way? Or is it important to her because she wants to make him happy by doing well in those areas?)

But there are some things she isn't so good at, some things she has trouble understanding. Things like... well. It's hard for her to put her finger on it. She understands family. Family is important. You can always count on your family. They're always going to be there for you, and you're always going to be there for them. She understands love, because love is what makes family important. She loves her family, and they love her. That's how it's supposed to be, because they're family.

But... What about friendship? What about her friends? The way she feels for her friends is a lot like the way she feels for her family. She can rely on them, and they can rely on her. Her friends are important to her. She doesn't like seeing them sad or hurt, and she'll do anything she can to protect them. But... Family is supposed to be the most important thing. So, family is meant to be more important than friends? But she feels the same for both of them. What makes them so different?

She doesn't understand. She wants to ask someone, but for some reason, some part of her balks at the idea of asking Xehanort. She doesn't want to make it seem like she's questioning him, or their family, or anything like that. She just... wants some answers.

Maybe she can ask Mera, or one of her teachers. Maybe they'll know.
First person writing sample: [The video turns on to show a girl with bright blue eyes and short black hair. Her expression is strangely blank, and her tone is similarily devoid of emotion.]

Hello. I have been told to use this communicator to introduce myself to the rest of the school.

My name is Xion. I have recently awoken and will be starting classes within the week. I look forward to proving what I am capable of.

[There is a pause that would be considered awkward if it's not for Xion's stoic face. She doesn't really know what to say now. That's the basics, right? No one else needs to know anything else.

The moment doesn't last very long. Xion reaches over to turn off her communicator, and the video ends.]
❦ ClassesApplicable Sciences and Technologies
Physical Education II
Fundamentals of Physics

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