We're all trapped in a maze of relationships / CR

Jan 29, 2010 23:40

Character Relationships : Xion Edition

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Xion's ~secret~ thoughts about you! :>

Shell images made by me. Feel free to reuse elsewhere! I don't care about credit, but it would be nice. <3


 Diaf. Right now.
 She dislikes you so much she doesn't trust you at all. One more wrong move and you're in the diaf category, buster.

 No. No shells for you. Xion does not like you.
Neutral, for one reason or another. She probably doesn't know you very well yet, but she doesn't dislike you or anything.

She likes you! c: Come hang out with her more, she wants to get to know you better.
She considers you a friend. <3
Very close friend. She really, really trusts you so don't screw it up.

She holds you so dear she considers you family. Yes. That's right. She has adopted you.

Whether you like it or not, you are stuck with her for life. She will die for you.
She cannot imagine living without you omgplzneverleave;___;

From Canon

NameShellsComments Xemnas
 You are evil. You are twisted. You must be stopped. Xigbar
She has nothing against you, you're kinda nice, but... well... Xaldin-----Maybe she had a mission with you at some point and you really creeped her out, or maybe you just give off bad vibes, but she's not so fond of you. :| Vexen
Her first memory might have been of you, but she doesn't remember much about you at all, sorry. You died before she really started functioning. Lexaeus
She didn't get to spend much, if any, time with you before you died. Zexion
She didn't get to spend much, if any, time with you before you died. Saïx
 You asshole. Axel

She knows you withhold answers, but she also knows you genuinely care about both her and Roxas, so she trusts you. You're all best friends, right? She turns to you and only you when she needs to talk to someone about Roxas. Demyx
You're kind of a slacker and that's annoying, but you're a nice enough guy. Luxord

You talk cryptically sometimes, but you're one of the only ones who talks to her like a normal person, so she doesn't mind. She thinks you're fun to have along on missions. Marluxia
She didn't get to spend much, if any, time with you before you died. Larxene
She didn't get to spend much, if any, time with you before you died. Roxas

You are her bestest, most dearest friend in the entire world. You were the first one to treat her like a friend, and if it wasn't for you, she can't imagine what her life would've been like. Words cannot express how much she loves you. Sora

She wants to get to know you -- really know you, as a friend, not just through your memories. Riku
She knows she can trust you. You always tell her the truth and she knows she can rely on you. Kairi

She'd like to get to know you -- really know you, as a friend, not just through Sora's memories. The two of you are a lot alike, after all. Naminé 

You were honest, you gave her answers. She feels almost a kinship with you, because of your shared connections with Sora and Kairi. She's curious about you. DiZ
She didn't spend a lot of time talking to you, so she doesn't know you very well. King Mickey
I'm not sure if she even knows you exist. Sorry!

From Neverwas

Where are you, and what are you up to? Xion doesn't like how out-of-sight you've been. Not like she remembers you being any different.
She is scared shitless of you right now. She really does think you're gonna try to tear her apart next time you see her.

She blames herself for your disappearance, and it's tearing her apart. She didn't go into hiding just to avoid Saïx; she needed to get away from people and be alone to beat herself up deal with her feelings.

You had a nice chat together her first day, and she thinks you really wish her well... You're still nice and don't intimidate her, though, which is good.Larxene

You joked around with her about the naming of the Town her first day, but haven't talked much since. She's not sure what to think of you yet.

She really needs you right now and she has no idea. Please come find her and make her feel better?

Finally on the path to friendship! Xion's looking forward to going shopping with you, she really is, she just, well... You'll go shopping soon, okay? Promise.
N-Not gonna lie... This rating was been a + before all this stuff with Axel. She... She's not sure what to think any more. It's easier to think when you're not near her. She's probably going to distance herself from you, but... A lot hinges on the upcoming meeting.

You're friends... right? She appreciates that you were worried about her, but... You still ask too many questions.

You had a heart-to-heart and made her feel better about being friends with Kefka when it felt like everyone was against her. She appreciates that so much, she cannot even describe. She definitely feels like she can trust you.

You're really nice! Let's hang out more. <3
We are so sorry we dropped that thread we were gonna tag back promise ;A;
Xion needs a big sister!

You're really nice! She wouldn't mind talking to you more.Vincent

Did she even get your name? Oh, well... You seem to be nice enough.
 King Mickey

You talked the once... She's not sure what to think of you. Sora's memories tell her to trust you, but she's not sure. Not yet.

You're not the Riku she knows and remembers... But you're still Riku, right?
Sorry for dropping our first thread together ;A; I never got a notification that you tagged back I'msorryyyyy


Awww, you're a sweetheart. <3<3Ansem (Xehanort's Heartless)-----
Not only does she have Sora's memories of you... You creep her the hell out. She really doesn't know why you kept talking to her... It was really awkward. ._.
Please stay away.


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