[rpgthatneverwas] Character Relationships

Jun 16, 2010 05:12

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♥ Shell images made by spiralstarfall. Feel free to reuse; credit is nice, but not necessary.
♥ Credit for the CR code goes here.
♥ Though the lyrics that go with this song are about a couple breaking up, I (somehow) associate the sounds and feel of this piano version with Xion's relationships with other people, hence why I decided to use it here
♥ Updated as of June 16, 2010 (6/16/2010)

| Outer circle | Acquaintances and enemies
☢| You have been blacklisted; you are The Enemy; etc.
✘✘✘| Grrrrrrrr. Xion really really really really really doesn't like you.
✘✘| B| Xion does not trust you one bit. Stay away!
✘| Xion doesn't like you. She feels generally :| about you.
○ | Neutral. Xion has either just met you, or she has mixed feelings.
❤ | She likes you. <3 She'd like to be friends!
❤❤ | Awww, you're her friend. She likes you and trusts you.
❤❤❤ | You are this close to being in her inner circle. She really really likes you.

| Inner circle | Her favorite, most precious people
❤❤ | She is so very attached to you~. <333 You are a close friend!
❤❤❤ | She loves you and is not afraid to admit it. She will be there for you even if it means she has to give something up, like sleep or peace of mind.
❤❤❤❤ | Oh dear Light she adores you. Adores. There are just... no words.
♕ | Xion cannot live without you. Please never, never, never leave. She would die for you if push came to shove.

❣ This does not cover every person Xion has interacted with! These are only key players in her development so far, as well as people who will (hopefully) become important in the near future. If your character isn't listed here and you'd like to know what Xion thinks of them, feel free to comment! I'll respond with another fancy table like these and share her innermost thoughts about them. ;D


[Kingdom Hearts]

"Oh, that's fine! You don't have to tell me if you don't want. I was just curious, is all."
The Sora. Xion feels a little excited to meet him -- and kind of nervous. And by "kind of" I mean extremely. She doesn't know how he's going to react to finding out what she is. Despite having his memories, when she faces him she suddenly feels like she doesn't know him at all. She does want to get to know him and maybe be friends, she does. She's just... apprehensive.

The Keyblade Master

Relationship: ○

"I... How am I supposed to react? What am I supposed to do?"


[Kingdom Hearts]

"It's very nice to meet you, Xion."
If Xion is anxious about meeting Sora, she's petrified about meeting Kairi. After all, Kairi lay the foundation for Xion's personality. Xion subconsciously feels a lot of pressure; what if she doesn't match up? What if Kairi's "better" than she is? What if Kairi doesn't like her? Even though Xion was made to replicate Sora and Roxas's powers, she feels very similar to the way Repliku feels about Riku, only without the anger and the competitive urges: insecure.

Who she was meant to be like

Relationship: ○

"What if I'm not good enough?"


[Kingdom Hearts]

"I'm pretty sure I've never met her. So why did you think I had?"
Xion doesn't know if she should call him her friend or not, but she knows she can trust him. He never hid the truth from her when it counted most; not only that, but he gave her time to reach her own conclusions instead of pushing her to make the decision he wanted her to. She's a little sad that he doesn't remember her, and she's kind of nervous that he won't believe her when she finally tells her story to the trio.

She actually hasn't talked to him yet in Town, and she's probably too nervous to call out to him on Mognet.

An old... friend?

Relationship: ❤

"Please believe me."

brutal_intent [dropped]

[Kingdom Hearts]

"You ignorant waste of filthy replica matter, give me one good reason why I shouldn't hunt you down and end that miserable mockery of an existence you call your life."
Ummmm... Well. They never quite got along in canon, since Saïx seemed especially keen to rub what she is in Xion's face, and he's a huge part of the reason why she has existentialism issues. It's also his fault that she thinks people are going to reject her for being a replica. However, once Xion woke up in Town, things just kept getting worse. He blamed and threatened her after hellofashow disappeared and "accidentally" attacked her. She also not only witnessed his chest getting sliced open by thorny_blossom and her new holy sword, but then immediately ran into him at the hotel and got his blood all over her. Just what she needed: more Saïx-related trauma.

It's not that Xion hates him, necessarily. She's just absolutely terrified of him. The fact that he is a reoccuring figure in her nightmares isn't helping any, either.


Relationship: ☢

"I think I'd be happy if I never saw him again."


[Final Fantasy IX]

"You silly little buttercup, you don't have to apologize. If anything, I should be the contrite one for not taking initiative myself."
Xion isn't quite sure what to make of Kuja. She thinks he's pretty and the nickname he's started calling her is embarrassing, but there's just... something about him that doesn't feel quite right. He's friendly, though, and he has... a lot in common with her, which is so surprising that she doesn't know what to think. Subconsciously, she's picking up on the fact that he's putting on an act; she just can't put her finger on what it is that feels off quite yet. Until then, she'll try to be nice, but she's going to be keeping her distance.

A new friend(??)

Relationship: ○

"Is it just me, or does he seem a little eager to be friends...?"


[Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII]

"I had not seen the sky until a few days ago, back on my own world, or felt the rain on my skin. Weapons had no need for such things."
Xion isn't quite sure what to make of Rosso, either, even though they've been living in the same house for some time. Kefka is the one who properly introduced them, and when he did so he made sure to phrase it so as to point out that Rosso was also a puppet of sorts on her homeworld. He did this in hopes that it would make Xion relate to her, therefore forming a connection between the new housemates so they'll get along -- and it worked. Sort of. Whereas puppetry is a sensitive subject for Xion, Rosso was brought up to never tolerate weakness, and since Xion thrives on approval, she doesn't want to be thought of as weak, so she doesn't try to bring anything up.

Rosso is as ignorant about the world as Xion is, but in different ways. When Kefka took off to find a way out through the Underworld, he left the shop in Rosso's care, but she doesn't know a thing about clothing, sewing, or even cooking and managing a house. This has pretty much left Xion to shoulder the weight of the store, and furthermore, she feels obligated to make sure Rosso eats. She hopes they can get to know each other better, but something in the back of her head is telling her not to hold her breath.

Fellow member of Family Palazzo Housemate

Relationship: ○

"We should be closer than we are, I think. Maybe I can do something about that."

valiantsword [dropped]

[Final Fantasy Tactics]

"I wouldn't mind lending you a hand or two."
A polite, chivralic young man with a brilliant smile. There's something about him that reminds the Kairi in her of Sora -- something about the way he acts, the way he smiles -- and so it's not hard to imagine how quickly Xion became infatuated with him, despite the tension between him and her other friends (especially Kefka and Gabranth). She really wishes she could get to know him better, but she didn't get a chance to spend much time with him before he disappeared from town without a trace.

Ramza is an example of Xion's kind of guy, apparently: all proper and brave and knightly, and yet still derpy and kind. It's that balance between "someone to protect me" and "someone for me to protect" that Xion needs most of all.

Secret crush A new friend!

Relationship: ❤❤

"He kind of reminds me of someone. I hope he didn't disappear..."


[Final Fantasy VII]

"Where are you now? Let's meet up wherever you are to go get that ice cream. I'm definetly in the mood for one~"
On Xion's fifth day in town, Aerith took her out for ice cream... and Xion has liked her ever since. She's so kind and sweet, Xion can't help but like her. If she hadn't been there when the Mist closed in around the city and trapped Xion in the same area as Saïx, there probably would have been a lot more panic on Xion's account. Even though the flower shop is close to the clothing store, Xion hasn't spent as much time with her as she would like, and with Kefka gone and Xion trying to run the store, it doesn't look like that's going to change any time soon, unfortunately.

Friendly flower shop lady (and would-be big sister?)

Relationship: ❤❤

"She's so nice... I can just tell that I can trust her."


[Kingdom Hearts]

"We'll have to tell them something, but I think Xion should have the final say in it."
Not long after Xion first arrived in the Town, hellofashow became vocal about Xion's new friendship with Kefka. Soon after, he vanished, leaving Xion incredibly hurt and guilty. She blamed herself for Axel's disappearance (the fact that Saïx did, too, didn't help matters), believing that maybe he just had enough and left of his own free will. However, he eventually returned -- but without his memories of his time in the Town... and of Xion. She felt like she was punched in the gut when she discovered this, and their "first meeting" was awkward, as Xion was acting skittish, Axel was confused and intrigued, and Roxas was caught in the middle. However, thanks to Roxas's efforts, the atmosphere eased. Axel began to slowly remember Xion, but he kept disappearing for long periods of time.

The trio didn't and doesn't spend as much time together as Xion would like outside of working at the café -- as much as any of them like, she's sure. She feels like she's growing away from them, and it makes her... sad. But Axel is still important to her. She just feels farther away from him (and them) than before.

Best friend

Relationship: ❤❤❤

"We're best friends. Inseparable. ... right...?"


[Kingdom Hearts]

"Promise you won't disappear again?"
Another best friend and fellow employee at the café, but ever since Xion arrived in Town they haven't spent much time together outside of work. Roxas was the one who found out that hellofashow left, and he helped Gabranth and Kefka find Xion after she fled into the woods, but Xion hasn't seen him as much as she would like. She guesses that everyone's just busy; she was helping Kefka in the shop, and... maybe Roxas was off fighting Heartless or something. Her feelings for him haven't lessened at all despite this, but for a while now, Xion has felt like she's drifting farther and farther away from Roxas and Axel. They're still her best friends, but...

Best friend

Relationship: ❤❤❤

"Why aren't we spending more time together...?"


[Kingdom Hearts]

"I guess... I guess I just wanted everyone to be together, and happy. You three, and Sora, Riku... and Kairi."
From the beginning of their time together in Town, Naminé has worried about Xion and made sure to check up on her. They've shared a couple of quiet conversations that always ended in Xion feeling... relieved. More calm. Generally better. There's something calming about talking to her, and after everything she's been through, Xion really appreciates it, as well as the kind advice that Naminé has given her. Even though they haven't talked very much, Xion feels comfortable with Naminé.

Someone who listens... someone to trust

Relationship: ❤❤

"Thank you, Naminé... For everything."


[Final Fantasy XII]

"I swear to you... Never will I allow you to come under any harm. There is no other purpose... to my being here."
Although their relationship had a rocky start because Gabranth has a bad habit of asking persistant questions and repeating himself... oh, and let's not forget that short fuse when it comes to Kefka, he has somehow made his way into the upper rungs of Xion's trust. After their friendship "officially" began, Gabranth has done nothing but try to look out for her. When she fled to the woods after hellofashow disappeared, he posted to Mognet questioning where she went, and then even went to search for her, going so far as to tolerate working with Kefka, despite the fact that they clearly cannot get along for more than maybe two seconds at a time. When Saïx got injured and bled all over her, it was Gabranth who took her into his room and cleaned her up and let her hide there, taking care of her until she recovered from the shock. Xion knows, although he's possibly one of the most stubborn people she's ever met, that he's honorable, loyal, and trustworthy, and she can't help but care for him. She was maybe a little overexcited when his twin brother arrived in Town, and she really hopes that they'll reconcile; she wants nothing more than happiness for Gabranth.

However, after a strange week where everyone found themselves trapped in the body of another resident, Xion collapsed. Thankfully, Gabranth was there to take care of her, but Kefka demanded that he hand her over. Gabranth, of course, refused, and in the end they wound up having a duel over it -- over her. It ended badly for Gabranth; Kefka used the invisibility spell Vanish to make himself untouchable by physical attacks and proceeded to bash him in the head with his own helmet. To add insult to injury, Kefka then used his magic to give Gabranth some of his memories, thoroughly screwing with his mind and turning him a bit insane. After Xion woke up, she was furious with Kefka although she didn't know the full truth of what happened, and went to find Gabranth. She saved him from a horde of Heartless only to find him in a completely broken frame of mind. Ever since then, Xion has been staying in his room to take care of him, and she has been doing her best to help him recover. She's scared and doesn't know what to do if he doesn't get better, which she also very much fears.

Dear friend

Relationship: ❤❤❤❤

"Please, tell me what I can do to help you."


[Final Fantasy VI]

"We'll show them how puppets can dance."
What originally started as a secret alliance against Xemnas somehow exploded into something entirely unexpected by all parties -- and into something horribly ill-fated. Kefka was her first new friend in Town, and the first person other than herself and Roxas who she could relate to as a "puppet." She learned very early on just how powerful he was, thanks to hellofashow showing her a video feed of Kefka unleashed in his god form. But he had been so kind to her, and she was confused, so she went and talked to him. The conversation ended in a surprisingly strong bond, one that hasn't been shaken by anyone, Axel or Gabranth or otherwise -- except by Kefka himself. It's in Kefka's nature to hate and destroy; he isn't capable of love and the concept of ~friendship~ makes him physically ill. Despite this, Xion has managed to wriggle her way near the top of his list of people-he-hates-the-least (he'll even kill her last! isn't that nice of him?).

To him, she is a valuable minion who is well-connected and, by now, knows too much and is too powerful to be let go; he knows all too well that it would be a bad idea to be on the other end of her Keyblade, as her determination and her friends would be there to back her up. (And there has also been heavy hints that she is almost a surrogate daughter to him, one to replace Celes, who he raised in his canon only to be betrayed by her when she wouldn't join him in his ways of world destruction and instead stabbed him through with her sword. The fact that something like this ending is inevitable doesn't help matters, though Kefka is arrogant enough to think that he can stop it from happening; he'll kill her first when she finally turns on him.) To her, he is a friend she cannot imagine being without, even for all his strangeness and quirks, even for his abrasive personality, even for all his issues (with anger, with people, with himself, with magic, with everything), even though she knows that he thinks that nothing in existence matters because everything dies and is forgotten.

Kefka and Xion stand at opposite ends of an existentialism scale, each a clear foil for the other. Kefka hates and wants to destroy everything, including himself, because nothing matters, not hate or friendship or truth or lies, because everything fades away in the end, even in memory. Xion loves life and treasures it and her friends, knowing that she is lucky to have this second chance, as she chose her own death in order to save her friend and stop Xemnas. She died in the hopes that her death would mean something, even though her best friends would forget she even existed; that was okay, because she would remember for them and live on in Sora; she believes that everything and everyone is connected. These polar perspectives, as well as Kefka's own capacity and desire for suffering and death and Xion's longing to live her own life and make everyone around her happy and her determination to always do the right thing, can only tear this strange friendship apart. To Xion, in the end Kefka presents an intense moral dilemma: he will only stop when he is dead, and she cannot simply sit by and let him hurt people, especially her friends -- but he's her friend, too, and so near and dear to her heart.

The last time anyone saw Kefka, he was blowing up the Black Mage Guild to get back at Larxene, the guild master, for trolling him to the Underworld entrance within. His plan? To find a way out of Town! Despite this, he left notes promising Xion, Rosso, and others that he will return. Until then, according to his notes, the clothing shop that he runs is left under Rosso's care and it is always open to Xion as a home. Xion thinks that she didn't go to see him after she found out how badly Gabranth was hurt... but she did. But the conversation went horribly wrong, starting with Kefka shouting that he can't stop hurting people and moving to him asking her if she was going to kill him yet. Xion couldn't handle the concept that she'll have to fight and stop and possibly kill her close friend. The scene ended with Xion telling herself repeatedly that it's just a dream... and with Kefka encouraging this belief. Healthy relationship? WE THINK NOT.

Precious, precious friend... but how long can it last?

Relationship: ♕

"Please, come back soon. I We miss you. That has to be a dream. You're not... It was just a dream. Has to be."


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