Ignore this, I'm testing sth

May 19, 2010 03:19

Credit for the original code goes here.


[Disgaea: Hour of Darkness]

"Nice to meet you, I'm Adell."

Adell is someone that apparently helped out Toph when she first arrived, which makes him good in Sokka's book. Although they haven't talked a whole lot, Adell did show up at the party at Sokka and Toph's place. He was a huge help when they needed to dig Sheena out of the tunnel and Sokka was suitably impressed by his special moves that he used to clear the snow. He seems like a decent guy, though Sokka can't really say he knows him that well.

Punch Man

Relationship: ♦♦

"Those attacks of his are pretty impressive."


[Kingdom Hearts AU]

"It wasn't supposed to be like this."
This is Xion, but from an Alternate Universe where she kills Roxas and absorbs him instead of the other way around. This means she has a permanent Sorafais! :D It will be for wonderful mindfuckery over at luministi, where there will eventually and hopefully be three Rikus (OU, AU, and AU Replica) as well as an AU Roxas who is actually Ventus. The KH cast is going to brainbreak itself so hard all over the place. It'll be like they're twelve years old; they won't know what this is, they won't even.

Other Self

Relationship: ♦♦

"I don't like what my mun's decided to do."

♦ (Acquaintances) - Eh, I suppose you're fine. Just boring.
♦♦ (Casual Friends) - You're tolerable sometimes.
♦♦♦ (Friends) - If you want to call me a friend, I suppose I won't argue.
♦♦♦♦ (Best Friends) - It's nice to find someone worthy of my company.
♦♦♦♦♦ (Friends For Life) - Don't tell anyone but I like and respect you. Alot.

◊ (Acquaintances) - You're annoying and boring, congratulations on that.
◊◊ (Casual Rivals) - You're a bit half-baked, aren't you?
◊◊◊ (Rivals) - Yeah, whatever, you suck.
◊◊◊◊ (Enemies) - Oh what was that? You wanted to taste my lightning?
◊◊◊◊◊ (Lifetime Enemies) - Don't fool yourself, I'll do whatever I can to make your life Hell.

♥ (Slight Attraction) - Well, aren't you cute~.
♥♥ (Attracted) - Maybe you'd be interested in more than flirting?
♥♥♥ (Romantic Interest/Crush) - Well, well, well, perhaps we have a thing here after all.
♥♥♥♥ (Love) - Never tell a soul but you make me feel like I have a heart again.
♥♥♥♥♥ (Devoted Forever) - If I had a heart, I'd give it to you~.
slaggin_predsRattrap (Transformers Beast Wars) ???

Larxene isn't sure why she tolerates him. Maybe it's because he has a sense of adventure, likes explosives and doesn't seem put off by perversion (Light knows Larxene has no fondness for prudes) but whatever the reason, he's one of the few in RubyCity that she shows fondness for... even if it's to the dismay of his lover.
bringthefatesSaix (Kingdom Hearts) ?

Saix was the second in command back in The World That Never Was. Larxene was never overly fond of him but she didn't have any outright hatred for him either. Though she and Marluxia plotted to overthrow him and the rest of the Organization originally, in RubyCity it seems that he might be a valuable ally or at least someone she doesn't want to piss off quite yet.
viiinoteAxel (Kingdom Hearts) ?? ??

If anyone were to inspire things close to actual emotions in Larxene, it would be Axel. She despises him for his betrayal and for crushing her trust in him beneath his boot, yet she finds herself still trying to capture his interest regardless of that, no matter how futile it likely is. A real love/hate relationship here, Larxene isn't sure how it's going to end but as long as she comes out on top then she'll be satisfied.
sitarrockstarDemyx (Kingdom Hearts) ?

Demyx is Larxene's prime example of an idiot. He's lazy, worthless and easy to tease or scare. She sees him as not having a backbone or any real redeeming qualities to speak of. That could change since he's shown up in RubyCity but for now, Larxene just sees him as a punching bag.
seasaltbluesXion (Kingdom Hearts) ?

Why no one seems to recall the little puppet of the Organization is something Larxene isn't sure of but the girl is nothing more than a toy to her, similar to Namine, just someone to be used to achieve an end goal with no importance of their own. Though she has little idea of the reality behind Xion's existence, that doesn't stop her from mocking and taunting her every chance that she can.
crimsonchainsawGrell (Black Butler) ??

Who is this woman? Of course Larxene isn't sure Grell is a woman but she has no reason to think that he's not (even if she's reminded of Marluxia every time they speak). Regardless, Grell seems to be the type to indulge Larxene's sadistic side, her urge to want to cause pain and suffering to those around her. Before Axel's arrival, she was tempted to make allies and go about on a violent spree to satisfy her boredom. Now she isn't sure but Grell still interests her. Besides, who else can talk so elegantly about death?
harrysbackupThomas Raith (The Dresden Files) ??

Larxene doesn't seem to know what to make of Thomas aside that they share a common interest in bondage and he has a sense of humor that's deflected a few of her verbal blows. If he wasn't so aloof about it, she'd probably hate him. It doesn't seem like he's a total moron plus it's hard to not be interested in anyone who understands the fun of a bit of pain and submission.


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