Aug 28, 2011 17:45
This is my very first time writing a blog. I have been planning on writting one for a while now, but I had some trouble trying to figure out which blog website to use. But as you can see I joined Live Journal. Live journal seems to be the easiest and most popular blogging website, well according to google that is. Ahh google, what would the world be like without you? There would be so many more unfinished assignments with out your assistance.
Well back to the point about my blogging. I am hoping that I don't sound like those boring blogger's who write about useless information about every little detail of my daily life for I am pretty sure that you all would be uninterested in what time I brush my teeth or what time I woke up this morning. The things that I would like to write though are the painful and stupid things I have done in my life. And no, I am not writing for people to feel sorry for me. I am writing to let people know what I have been though and how easy it is the get yourself dragged into and different world while being in the exact same place.
I have to thank my family for sticking with me though the end, because I know that there are many familys that wouldn't have put up with me the way mine has. I love my mum to bits she is my biggest super hero and someone who I hope to be one day. If i ever become a parent I hope I am as caring and loving as she is <3 I love my dad as much as I love my mum. He looks like a scary don't-mess-with-me-guy to my friends,neighbours and well just about everyone who isn't close to our family or just hasn't been with him drunk (he is a talkative drunk ). My oldest sister let's call her V is awesome to she gave up heaps for me and still thought of me when her life was going pretty shit herself. She took care of me alot cause my parents are always working and I always feel comfortable with her. But like all sisters we are always disagreeing with each other and seem to agrue over stupid things. My other older sister B is pretty cool as well we would always hang out and eat together, of course it was always her shout ( she always paid) but after the things I did we stopped talking because she was angry at me and I didn't really stop the things I did for about two years but those two years were on and off, so me and B getting along were on and off as well. Things are a little weird between us but I'm happy that at least she doesn't hate me any more. I also have a brother who is the oldest in the family but he is married and has two kids now so we don't really talk much but I know that he still cares for his youngest sister.
Towards the end of my mistakes were the worst and I was 100% sure that this super awesome family I had hated me and left me with only two choices and thank my stupid brain for making the right choice for once.
1. Was to go to a refuge and be in the care of someone else
2. Was to go overseas and live with my aunty and uncle for three years
For those who are still interested I will let you know that, the thing that I was doing was surrounding myself with drugs, alcohol, sex and gangs. Some people would think that this isn't a big matter, but for a 13 year old girl who has no self control and has been walking deeper and deeper into it for 2 years it is a HUGE matter.
growing up