Feb 27, 2012 11:38
I hate cops. Maybe because I wasn't on the good side and I kept getting unwanted visits from them. I understand that they were doing there job and having to go out and look for me ALL the time and it could..no WAS pretty annoying. But I don't hate them because they were doing there job but hate them because some of them were assholes.
Assholes thinking that they can say whatever the fuck they want. They just can't go up to my sister and say that she was a bad sister because she decided to work when I was missing. Sure most people would worry but you can't put my family under the same catagories as others.
Bitches thinking that they own the whole fucken place. Yeah, the area I was at wasn't so much on the good side but what area is? It was late and I was walking home and thanks for the ride home it was much better then walking but if you were going to sit there and talk on the whole ride telling me that I am a bad daughter and then say that I had bad parents I would rather walk the hour home. Its like BITCH shut the fuck up. Your not even my local, I have never seen you before, you have never seen me your only saying all this out of my records that you just searched up 5 mintues ago.
Another cop let me say that she is the WORSE cop I have ever seen and I seen alot of cops. Not that I sat down with all of them and talked to them about something so private and something that haunts me to this very day like I have with this bitch. Why did it have to be her? I don't know. Maybe it was karma. I act like a bitch I get a bitch to almost push me from sanity. She never directly said it but she had basically said that I deserved to get raped. Going on at how she would never let her children or whatever do the shit that I do and that I was a mess. Yes I know, I am one big fucked up mess but even as fucked up as I was I never knew that I deserved to been taken advantage, bullied and tossed aside.