Mar 17, 2009 23:28
I have a whole lot to say on one particular topic, but I don't really want to get into it tonight. I'm sure that I could type it all out in forty-five minutes or so, but I've been thinking on all of this for about two weeks, so I'm pretty sure it'll keep until tomorrow. So, to tide you over, some boring and completely unrelated news items.
For the first time in a long time, I'll be having a Shindig Friday on Friday! C and I are going to have our very own Shindig Friday, complete with all of the usual things - "Shindig" and food and "extracurricular" DVDs (in this case, "TSCC," which I am going to get her addicted to). I think I may have to dig out my Shindig Friday T-shirt.
My private hopes were dashed today when Norton Support called me and left a message. My hopes were dashed because all I could make out of the message was "Norton Support." So much for getting a consultant named Andy or Steve. I hope they call back tomorrow. Speaking English.
I also received two calls from different camps, one in Minnesota and one here in Michigan. The Michigan one is having trouble verifying my work history (?), which I find hard to believe since I have the most basic work history ever, and I filled out about twenty applications and none of the others have had trouble verifying anything (or if they have, they aren't telling me). They're low on my list of places I want to work, but I'll call them back anyway. Same for the one in Minnesota. I have another Indiana camp interview tomorrow morning, and then an interview for a camp in Virginia on Friday. I know the camp in Virginia is a long-shot (and by that I'm referring to physical distance, not chance of me getting a job there), but it can't hurt to interview, to get on the radar of several different places, and to work on my skills.
I think I bombed the interview on Monday, but that's only because the interviewer was really noncommittal about everything. The rational part of my brain tells me I did just fine. I know I have a well-supported work history, great references, and I write like there's no tomorrow... I just hate when they say "Hmm" and nothing much else. I will hear back from them by the end of the week and I have my fingers crossed... I really want to go there. Send some good thoughts in my general direction if you have the time.
Please also shoot some good thoughts in C's direction... she applied for a great program that could change her nursing/aide hours and would really benefit her.
She is still so much fun... today in History I was watching "House" bloopers on my iPod from YouTube... and she pokes me in the arm and mouths something... I have no idea what she's talking about, so I pull my UE out and she says, "Is that the new one??" all jealous, like "Why are you watching House when I'm studying Caesar Augustus?" I laughed and said "No... just bloopers."
And I totally got to shatter her world-view by relating "High School Musical" and the Whedon-Verse. Sometimes it's fun to be evil. (Just in case YOUR world-view hasn't been shattered, Zac Efron of "HSM" fame also played Young Simon in an episode of "Firefly." I know. It's almost as bad as Miley Cyrus, she of "Hannah Montana" fame, playing some childhood acquaintance of Inara. [THIS NEVER HAPPENED, DON'T FREAK OUT.])
C thinks we had Driver McStupidface (this is what we privately call the driver who was a total ass to us back in January) on our bus ride today. I don't think it was him, but after awhile the bus drivers all tend to look the same to me, except for this one guy we had today who looked like Shaft. Oh, and "Blondie", which is what we call the angsty short-haired lady bus driver who drives 33 sometimes. But anyway, Driver McStupidface or not, this guy was at least polite to us, if not overly delighted to have us.
I have no idea what happened in "NCIS" tonight, despite the fact that I watched the whole thing. Oh, I know that Gibbs and Abby did some sign language and Abby tried to build a coffin and Director Vance went... boxing? ... but other than that, no idea. It disappoints me that the plot eluded me, but then again, I was doing something else at the same time.
Anyway, for not having a lot to say I guess I had a lot to say. I love and miss you all.
tech support,
fangirl sorts of things,
new icons,
shindig fridays,
joss is boss,