I haven't seen the sun in about week, and I'm keeping all sharp objects out of reach. I finally know the taste of love. It's a cross between cheap beer and blood with an aftertaste of dry, sarcastic speech. And so I guess it's safe to say that we both knew that I'd end up this way...with a brain that's clueless and unsure and eyes that hardly ever
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- Chris
I've been so alone for so long. Forgotten to the world, forgotten to myself.-Waking up beside you by stabbing westward
AndI feel the times that are wasted go. Where you go for tommorrow? When i see this are lies to come. So will you even care? And I feel it...-Plush by stone temple pilots
I'm trapped in this world, lonely and fading , heartbroke and waiting for you to come. We are stuck in this world that's not menant for me.-Meant for me by
Everytime we lie awake, after every hit we take, evry feeling that I get. But I haven't missed you yet...All the feelings I get, but I still don't miss you yet. Only when I stop to think about it....I HATE EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU, WHY DO I LOVE YOU?-I hate everything about you by three days grace
The whole song.-I feel so by racecar racer
- Chris
I'm just messing with you. You know I love you and your tongue ring, wink..wink..L.o.l
Well I'll be back with some more lyrics.(they might be even darker then before just to bug Chris. :) L.o.l.)
:) *andrea* (:
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