Feb 07, 2008 19:48
So I feel strangely reassured and empowered.
I saw my old roommate Katie at the dining center tonight and she was like, "oh did you hear?"
I said no, very confused,
she went on to tell me that my other old roommate Tara had gotten really depressed or something and moved out and went back home.
I guess my other old roommate Skye (the worst one) has been going nuts b/c her and her boyfriend were constantly fighting, they did when I lived there too, cuz he lived back where she was from and it was all bad etc. Anywhoo so she had been taking it out on Katie and Katie was really sick of it, and in my head I was just like, yeahhhh now you know why I moved.
But the important and interesting thing is, I went through alot of depression and trauma this year, but I'm sticking it out! and I feel a little less alone, and alot better about sticking out the rest of the year here.
My mom also said she though Tara and I were a little similar from the beginning in that we both had higher expectations of the school.
It's all such a huge learning experience.
In other news I went to a kickboxing aerobics class the other day at the school gym and it was SO fun! It totally kicked my ass, and wrecked my knee, so I might not be able to go to it anymore, but it was sooo worth it at least once!!!!
Hope all is well with everyone and I can't wait to go home and go to the beach!!!!!