Oh crikey it's a meme.

Jun 05, 2009 00:50

Stolen from the Raz.

Kissed any one of your LiveJournal friends? - no
Been arrested? - no
Kissed someone you didn't like? - yes
Slept in until 5 PM? - yes
Fallen asleep at work/school? - no
Held a snake? - yes
Ran a red light? - no
Been suspended from school? - i think i might have, but it's hard to remember
Experienced love at first sight? - i thought i did at the time but it wasn't love 
Totaled your car in an accident? - no
Been fired from a job? - not yet... 
Fired somebody? - no
Sung karaoke? - yes NEVER AGAIN 
Pointed a gun at someone? - no
Did something you told yourself you wouldn't? - yes
Laughed until something you were drinking came out your eyes? - ......no.
Caught a snowflake on your tongue? - yes
Kissed in the rain? - no
Had a close brush with death (your own)? - yes
Saw someone die? - no
Played Spin-the-Bottle? - yes
Smoked a cigar? - no
Sat on a rooftop? - no
Smuggled something into another country? - no
Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? - no
Broken a bone? - no
Skipped school? - yes
Eaten a bug? - yes
Sleepwalked? - not that im aware of 
Walked on a moonlit beach? - yes
Ridden a motorcycle? - no
Dumped someone? - yes
Forgotten your anniversary? - yes
Lied to avoid a ticket? - no
Ridden in a helicopter? - no
Shaved your head? - yes
Blacked out from drinking? - yes
Played a prank on someone? - yes
Hit a home run? - no 
Felt like killing someone? - yes
Cross-dressed? - yes
Been falling-down drunk? - yes
Made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry? - yes
Eaten snake? - no
Marched/Protested? - yes
Had Mexican jumping beans for pets? - yes
Puked on an amusement ride? - no
Seriously & intentionally boycotted something? - yes
Been in a band? - no
Knitted? - yes
Been on TV? - yes
Shot a gun? - no
Skinny-dipped? - no
Given someone stitches? - no
Eaten a whole habenero pepper? - no
Ridden a surfboard? - no
Drunk straight from a liquor bottle? - yes
Had surgery? - not yet STILL GOT ONE UN-SCALPEL'D  WEEK TO GO. 
Streaked? - no
Been taken by ambulance to a hospital? - no
Tripped on mushrooms? - no
Passed out when NOT drinking? - yes
Peed on a bush? - yes
Donated Blood? - yes
Grabbed electric fence? - no
Eaten alligator meat? - no
Eaten cheesecake? - yes
Eaten your kids' Halloween candy? - no
Killed an animal when NOT hunting? - yes if bugs count 
Peed your pants in public? - yes but i was like....11. 
Snuck into a movie without paying? - no
Written graffiti? - yes
Still love someone you shouldn't? - yes
Think about the future? - yes
Been in handcuffs? - yes
Believe in love? - yes
Sleep on a certain side of the bed? - my bed only has the one side

On a non-meme note... Random updates.

Just over a week to go until surgery and I've caught a bad cold. I hope this sort of thing isn't going to get worse and cause the op to be delayed for any reason. That would be just my luck.

I've gone back to readng Entropy AT FUCKING LAST. Got a few chapters in this evening, but I am copying them into word files and proof reading / formatting for print as I go so it's a slow process.

AIM is being a bitch again but we will try to establish your normal service in due course. Thankyou for your cooperation.

The party was both the best and worst evening of my entire life. Got drunker than I have ever been before, far beyond my limits and into scary town. And made a complete tit out of myself... if my friend knows whats good for her she'll probably never speak to me again.

The trousers I bought back in October for the Joker costume were 44" waists, I could only just fit my giant ass into them.
Last week I bought a new pair of jeans that were 38"s.

pay attention to me now, fear the meme, just shut up and listen, tmi, like u have better things to do

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