Creativity/Writing stuff

Mar 26, 2011 19:25

Warning: this entry is basically just me rambling.

1. Erika, check your email (sup, buddy?)

2. On creativity:
The hardest part of creativity is successfully giving voice to someone else. You're not speaking as you, you're speaking with someone else's voice, someone else's thoughts. The hardest part is writing not your thoughts, but your characters. You yourself are not Lea Michele, or Rachel Berry, or Quinn Fabray. You can anticipate their actions but they cannot be your own. Becaus you are not them, and they are not you, no matter how easy it would be if that were the case.

It's not to say you can't inject your own personal experiences in your characters. I think the most believable stories, the most believable characters, are the ones you can relate to - and you relate to them through experience, through having been through the same things they have, and at the end of the day, you come to the same conclusion. It's vital for the audience to understand WHY a character got from A to B (the how, in some ways, comes much later).

Why am I writing this? I don't even know... Random Saturday thoughts, I guess. But I guess what I want to say is there's a final line between writing creative fiction and using your stories as a diary. Your characters are a separate entity from your self. That, in my opinion, is the hardest thing to remember when writing.

writing stuff, erika check your email, creativity

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