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Comments 33

yuenyee92 November 16 2010, 04:28:26 UTC
i loved this. although the last line =


memoryofamemory November 16 2010, 12:59:45 UTC
Thanks for reading! :-)


pgirl202 November 16 2010, 05:18:48 UTC
Awesome as usual<3

- The ring Quinn is referring to ("silver with the diamond") is a play on the ring the Glee girls allegedly bought together, but whose symbolism was never defined
I must of missed this..because it totally isnt registering in my mind.


memoryofamemory November 16 2010, 13:01:47 UTC
I can't remember where I originally read it -I'll need to dig through some stuff- but yeah, apparently the girls bought a ring, but they never really explained what it's supposed to represented. On the one hand, they by no means should HAVE to explain its symbolism, but on the other hand, it opens a whole ton of possibilities. Being "wed" to something bigger than yourself seems like an option. :-)

Thanks for reading! :-)


memoryofamemory November 16 2010, 16:29:15 UTC
So I can't find the original interview, but it was either Michele or Agron who said that the female cast bought rings (silver with a diamond), but they never elaborated further on it. I'm just curious as to what its supposed to represent. :-)


vsquared_k November 16 2010, 06:20:23 UTC
Quinn was plagiarizing, but for a good cause, I guess... I won't dock her speech-points for that. Heh.

But oh my GAWD that was an epic chapter! Especially the last line. These two just... can't not have drama, can they...

Love it!


memoryofamemory November 16 2010, 13:05:54 UTC
First of all, cool picture!!! :-)

Quinn's speech to Rachel was a real pain to write because of the time lapse - Rachel gave hers when they were still together, Quinn's came four years later, and I had to find character traits that would still be present after four years. My Psych professor would be thrilled to know I did remember something in that class, after all...

Small confession: I played around with, like, four or five different final lines (one of them had Rachel saying "you're right, our love did destroy us"), so yeah...

Anyways, thanks for reading, hope everything is going well! :-)


vsquared_k November 16 2010, 13:13:48 UTC
Thanks! it reminds me of the ridiculous redness of my own bass guitar... haha

And I bet it was difficult... I can't see me actually paying attention in class... Though with Psych, I might have.

WAIT. There was a possibility that Finn and Rachel might not have been together? Still, this was more drama-y, and... well, it's always that much sweeter when Quinn wins Rachel from Finn...

Go Team Quinn!!


memoryofamemory November 16 2010, 16:34:52 UTC
I have such a soft spot for the acoustic guitar, but I have enormous respect for people who have a bass guitar.

The Psych professor was great, even though I'm half convinced he was tripping on Opium most of the time.

Either way, Rachel was going to reject Quinn, so in that sense I knew Quinn/Rachel weren't going to be together at the end of the chapter. I thought it'd be interesting to see how this will change the dynamic of the relationship between Quinn and Rachel, and Finn seems like a way to explore that.

Anyways, yeah, thanks again for reading, and hope the rest of your week goes well. :-)


karlymorrig November 16 2010, 07:08:49 UTC
Wait what? Noooo!


memoryofamemory November 16 2010, 13:06:32 UTC
I have that EXACT same reaction when I realize there's no coffee in the house.

But more seriously, thanks for reading! :-)


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memoryofamemory November 16 2010, 13:08:07 UTC
Thanks for reading!

I haven't started the next chapter yet, so I don't know if I'll put them back together just yet... We'll see. They still have a ton of issues to work through, regardless.

Hope everything is going well! :-)


(The comment has been removed)

memoryofamemory November 16 2010, 16:27:47 UTC
Aww, thanks for saying that. :-)

Anyways, hope everything is going well, and I hope the rest of the week goes well. :-)


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