(no subject)

Dec 13, 2007 10:38

 I've decided that in the mean time, before I go to school, I am going to start a business. I was thinking about going to the running room to teach one night a week a running clinic but then that got me to thinking that I might as well teach individual running clinics as well I know as much as an gym teacher or health section in a book-store about nutrition and exercise. I am going to be a personal trainer. I am thrilled at the idea, as I love nothing more than running and writing. Now I can manage my time to do both these things to the maximum capacity. I am not quitting the holiday inn since I only work there 2-3 shifts a week anyways. Not until I really get going and have enough clients to consider the idea of letting it be my sole income.

Brooks is really taking off in his creative world. and I am actually oddly very proud of my big brother lately. his photo show is coming up [jan 3rd] and everyone is invited. $6 at the door, 3 live acoustic bands and food. It's a semi formal event. www.brooksreynolds.com for more information [under the news heading, you'll have to scroll down a little].

I don't  understand how I anyone expects me to get over this anxiety, but I have been under more control lately. Hurrah for therapy and 100s of my parents dollars put into my fears.

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