(copy from journal - leftover night on the journal)

Jun 28, 2007 21:31

This & That Thursday
Just an update for the sake of making an update. Expect randomness. You are forewarned.

Got my Full Moon Swaps package mailed out today. Should be there on Saturday so I'm eager to see what my partner thinks of her utterly unique item. I'm excited and nervous all at the same time. Still, feels good that it's out. I always have a sense of relief once it's sent because it's kind of out of my hands at that point, so there's no use fretting. (More than hoping she'll like it of course!) I put insurance on it in case they totally destroy the box (which would really make me cry) but at least if they did, I'd get reimbursed for the time and effort.

I also got the last of my pending orders shipped today as well. (A repeat customer who bought her third pair of horns this month. Rock on!) It's been a fantastic order month. Man, I wish they were all this good. I mean, I was able to get my monitor and still rebuild the funds in my account enough to take advantage of the Victoria's Secret semi-annual sale for the first time in about three years and I still had enough for postage of the large swap box. Feels so nice when there's positive cash flow in the paypal account. Damned good.

Speaking of good, I'm finally going to be using the massage gift certificate my sister gave me last October as a bridesmaid gift. Jeez. One thing or another kept me from making the appointment. I tried to make it a couple weeks ago while our friend Rand was on vacation since we had his vehicle but they didn't have any appointments. So I'm going Monday afternoon and my mom's getting one done as well. That should be a nice day. I really need it since my neck's been so terribly out of whack again lately. (Much more so than the average, daily issues.)

Also in the good, or, well, yummy category, is this super delicious 3-cheese white pizza I had yesterday for lunch. (And just ate the last two slices right now.) Man, it was good. Normally, they try to make up for the lack of sauce with sun-dried tomatoes or huge chunks of tomato or chunks of garlic. None of which are even remotely appealing to me. This one didn't. It was an awesome dough and three types of cheese. That's it. Perfect. The layer of ricotta under the melted top was such a great touch. Yum. Anyway, it's a privately owned Greek restaurant just down the road. Unassuming little place tucked into a defunct shopping plaza that specializes in pizza and seafood. It's always so wonderful when I find something I really enjoy eating since I have great issues with food and food enjoyment due to my stomach. (Both in that I can rarely eat more than a few bites at a time, making food seem like such a waste and that my stomach is so difficult on a daily basis that I often just equate food with suffering.) So getting something new and good - it's a miracle for me.

In other health news, thankfully *knock wood* my migraines stopped after Monday's. I guess it might have been a hormone trigger this time around that just took longer to balance out. I'm glad it's done though, that's for sure.

Though no headache, man I'm tired today. BZZZZ!! They're testing the sprinkler systems BZZZZ!! in the apartment complex yesterday and BZZZZ!! today and starting around 9am this BZZZZ!! morning, you kept hearing the BZZZZ!! absurdly loud "bzz" BZZZZ!! go off over and over BZZZZ!! every 30 seconds or so. Made BZZZZ!! sleeping pretty difficult. BZZZZ!! It also really grates BZZZZ!! on your nerves.

Alrighty, well, it's 9:45pm now and the very last episode ever of Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip is going to air in fifteen minutes. I don't know why the show got such cold shoulder from viewers and critics. I really enjoyed the hell out of it and damn was it good to see Sorkin at the helm of a show again. (Warm memories of old West Wing here.) It pisses me off that shows like this get canned and jackoff shit like The OC stuck around for four years. Puh-leeze.
It's just beyond frustrating when they do this kind of thing to good shows. (Carnivàle anyone?)

Anyway....yeah. Out.

migraines, health, phoenixfire designs, tv, catch-up

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