The Good and The Bad
The good news is that we discovered Love's going to be the featured artist at the Library showing. We believed he would be part of a multiple artist display, but turns out that it's a SOLO artist display. So instead of the handful of pictures we thought he'd be showing, he's got the ENTIRE room. Just for him. Something like twenty-odd images to fill the space.
He'll have a two month exclusive featured artist showing. Daaaaamn. So now we need to figure out a way to afford to frame twenty pieces! Eep.
The bad news is that after almost a week escaping Love's cold, tonight I am officially sick. My nose burns, my throat hurts, and I've got that oh-so-pleasant post nasal drip you get with a cold. Sonuvabitch. Tomorrow whether I'm well enough to or not, I have to borrow Rand's Jeep and run down to the bank branch all the way by Love's work (a good 30 minute drive) because he left the debit card there when he made a deposit on Friday and they'll only give it back to me personally. Bitches. This is going to Suck Badly. And I hope I'm better by Friday because I'm covering at the temp job Friday and all of next week. To say I need the money is like saying you need air to live, so I can't afford to be sick. Love's still sick with his cold so it's not looking great in terms of time frame. Bah.
Anyway, that's the brief for now.