What A Week
So Monday and Tuesday were out-and-about days. Wednesday I was badly ill. And I thought I was feeling better but nooo... Not even close. I had about twelve, non-stop hours of the worst rumbling/gurgling/nauseous/burning stomach pain I think I've almost ever had. Certainly one of the longest stretches. It was so bad, I literally couldn't even sleep. I even threw up my empty stomach. In a moment of absolute absurdity, the only thing that was in my stomach was Pepto. A medicine designed (among other things) to prevent nausea. I think I finally got to sleep somewhere around 9am. It was hell.
On the not-sick, but busy side of things, I also can discuss the secret project I was working on. The swap community I belong to -
Full Moon Swaps - is celebrating it's 1 year anniversary with a raffle extravaganza. So I've been helping the group owner create a prize catalog website. I am extremely proud of how well it all came together. You're welcome to view it
here. Of course, only members of the community get to participate for prizes, but still...it's awfully pretty and I worked hard on it and I'm really proud of it, so feel free to take a look.
I had a surprise, random
bracelet order come in the other day. Which is wonderful since I am beyond desperately broke. Between my friend Rand's birthday (present and cake), my mom's birthday (present, card, cake and eating out at lunch), AND Love's parent's 40th wedding anniversary tomorrow (sheet cake) all on rent check and things are bad. I mean baaad. Like, we've emptied out our pathetic car saving fund and have yet another week to go before payday. Ugh, it's going to be a bad week. I need some more
orders to come in. Soon it'll be time to ramp up for Halloween and
horn sales *hums*
So yeah. Busy week plus a ton of miserable stomach issues. All-in-all, lots of fun.
At least it's the weekend. Hopefully, things will level back out.