Jan 21, 2016 13:12

I know I should probably find it “cute” or something, but I just can’t. Every single day, I am “treated” to the…let’s be generous and call it “singing” of the small child in the apartment below me. He (?) sings as loud as he can, shrill and screechy and ungodly out of tune over and over and over again. All day long.

Me listening to the kid sing. If I were in clothes no PJ’s and did my hair and makeup as opposed to having it pulled back in a bun because I haven’t washed it yet. But you know, same thing.

Yesterday I was woken up around 8:30am to the dulcet sounds of For the First Time In Forever from Frozen. It was a living nightmare.

The approximation of the sounds that come out of this kid’s mouth is something like WHAAAAAAAAAA aaaah wwawawawa MmmmAAAAWWWWW and about as in-tune as bagpipes in a garbage disposal.

The “singing” is of a volume and frequency that it travels through the floors and walls from his apartment to mine. I will sit, listening to this Hell for 10 or 15 minutes until I can’t take it any longer and play the I have over 5,000 songs on my pc and speakers louder than you game.

This morning we discovered that Imagine Dragons > his punk ass.

I just love apartment living.

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Originally published at Given Eyes To See. You can comment here or there.


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