Daydreams Spill From My Gold Head {002}

May 25, 2010 21:25

Summary: Brendon & Ryan in high school.
Word Count: 955+

"Worst class ever," Ryan breathed towards Brendon, keeping his eyes on the professor at the front of the room. He's sitting beside Brendon at their Biology desk. It's fourth period, the last one of the day, and both boys are just ready to get out of the school.

Brendon mock gaped and pointed at himself, "Nuh-uh, because I'm in here."

"Oh, yea," Ryan fake gasped. Brendon smiled lovingly and turned back to the professor. A few minutes later, Brendon felt Ryan’s hand leave his under the table - Yes, they were holding hands. They’re cute like that.

Brendon went to turn to Ryan to ask him, you know, what the hell, but then he felt Ryan's hand on his thigh. Brendon grinned; Ryan didn't even have the subtleness to start at his knee like any normal human being.

Brendon bit his lip in anxiety and his eyes flicked to the clock; ten minutes. Ryan's hand slid between Brendon's legs, his thumb making small circles as he moved up.

"Not fair," Brendon gasped; he was painfully hard already. Ryan palmed Brendon slowly, trying not to make the boy gasp, or make any sound at all really. But Brendon squirmed a lot. "Tease," Brendon hissed.

Ryan scoffed almost silently and leaned in to tell Brendon, "If I could do more than this right now, do you really think I wouldn't?"

Brendon shivered as Ryan's breath hit his neck. "Tease," he repeated with a huff. Ryan shook his head amusedly and pressed down hard, causing a loud sigh from Brendon's bitten back lips.

"Seven minutes," Ryan breathed. Brendon narrowed his eyes on the chalk and concentrated on sitting still. Ryan smirked and began to rub his hand in rough circles. He shifted in his seat a bit uncomfortably, getting hard at the sight of Brendon biting his lip and squirming like a squirrel.

"R- Ry," Brendon gasped almost silently. He felt Brendon tense under him and took his hand away quickly. Brendon let out a deep sigh and dropped his head on the table. Ryan wasn't going to let Brendon come in the middle of their Biology class.

"Four minutes, in the car," Ryan said quickly, under his breath. Brendon nodded into his arms and Ryan rubbed his thigh softly, slowly until the bell rang.

When it did, Brendon wrapped his fingers around Ryan's wrist and dragged him towards the door. They flew to Brendon's locker first, it was closer, and he spun his combination faster than Ryan had ever seen. He smirked as he watched Brendon exchange his books for the one's he’d need to do his homework. The repeated this process at Ryan's locker in the next hall. Then both boys ran for Ryan's car.

When some friends called out to them Brendon shouted, "I'm late for the dentist!" and kept running. Ryan chuckled and slid behind the wheel, starting the car as Brendon climbed in. "Not here?"

Ryan raised an eyebrow. Sex in the car, yes; sex in the school parking lot in the car; no! Brendon realized this as Ryan sped out of the lot and behind the first gas station, which happened to be just up the street. Brendon climbed into the back first, wondering why he hadn't done so at the school and Ryan climbed in after him, their bodies lying flush together.

Ryan used his elbows to keep his head above Brendon's, watching him squirm some more, and moan as Ryan swiveled his hips.

"Fuck, Ryan, please. . . Just-" Brendon moaned again and Ryan smiled and shook his head.

"I did, your turn." Brendon let out a frustrated groan, but flipped them over anyway. He scooted back, so he was straddling Ryan's thighs and palmed his hand over Ryan's quite obvious bulge. He smirked and raised an eyebrow. Ryan just gave a sort of shrug as Brendon undid his zipper and button. Brendon pulled Ryan's cock out and Ryan gasped as it hit the cold air. "Fuck, Bren," he hissed, digging his fingernails into his own palm. Brendon just smirked and began pumping Ryan fast, thumbing over the slit just to tease him.

"If I can get you off in," Brendon glanced at the clock on the dashboard. "Three minutes?" He paused, deciding he could do it in that amount of time. "You have to blow me," he smirked.

Ryan laughed, but bit his lip. "Sure," he smirked. "But you can only use your hand," he smiled. Brendon narrowed his eyes, but obliged and stared at Ryan, locking eyes because he knew that made Ryan feel exposed. Ryan tried to avert his eyes, but it was kind of hard with those gorgeous, big brown eyes staring him down. He gave in and watching Brendon's face too. 'I love you' he mouthed. Brendon smirked and squeezed the base of Ryan's cock, causing him to moan and buck his hips. "B- Brendon," Ryan whispered. Ryan felt his entire body tensing and he knew he was close. Brendon smirked and thumbed over the tip again, pressing down on it. Ryan moaned whorishly and came all over Brendon's hand. Ryan gasped and concentrated on catching his breath. During which, he missed Brendon doing the same thing. He sat up, redoing his pants and kissed Brendon soft, his hand traveling down to Brendon's crotch. He felt the wet spot and giggled.

"Oops," Brendon giggled, kissing Ryan again.

"I'm just too hot for you," he teased, biting Brendon's bottom lip. He pulled away and crawled into the front seat. "Don't worry, I'll blow you later," he promised, starting the car back up.

"Food?" Brendon asked, also climbing into the front seat. Ryan nodded and drove towards McDonalds.

"Got to keep our stamina up," he smirked, lacing his fingers with Brendon's.

daydreams, the young veins, r, panic! at the disco

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