
May 28, 2005 15:41

alright i know this is going to sound so entirely bitchy and anyone that takes it to heart i suppose should because this is meant for a very broad range of people and if you even think that it might apply to you in any way, it probably does. but feel free to ask if you have any doubt.

if i have to hear one more line about someone being " ( Read more... )

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Re: ... memory_faded June 2 2005, 19:29:09 UTC
i'm glad you'll like high school a lot better when i leave. and high school for me was a lot fucking better when you werent there. and when i say you, i mean ONLY YOU, not ang and jess. and yes, in answer to your smartass question, i DO in fact know what love is. and i'm sure that YOU have a lot more experience than me when it comes to that, eryn. you've been in love before, right? yea, i didnt think so. and me having sex with a lot of guys has actually helped me to realize what love really is. and i'm glad you brought up the fact that you've had sex and you only knew the guy for a weekend. becuz that is a thousand times worse than the first time i had sex and anytime after that. not until extremely recently have i even had sex with a guy that i knew for less than a couple weeks. way to make yourself look like shit. and i'm glad you'll never make that mistake again. yea, sure you wont, eryn. you always were the smart one.. and my history with nick has absolutely NOTHING to do with you. sure, you were there. but lets think, you never talked to him about it and you dont know any of his friends and therefore, you wouldnt hear what he says to them about what happened. so fuck you if you think that we werent in love. and even if he didnt love me, that still doesnt do much for your argument. becuz i still know precisely what love is and i know that i was in love with him. thanks so much for your dear, sweet comment. i enjoyed it thoroughly. see you at school.


Re: ... jones_ee June 5 2005, 04:19:10 UTC
ok FUCK YOU too yea i'm not always the smart you but OMG who had sex at the beach...IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY...yea so what ever okay maybe you should think who was friends with nick before you met..? ME,JESS and ANG...so why don't you go have sex with some more guys...o by the way i hope i'm there when your new boyfriend finds out you cheat.. considering you cheated on him already!!!


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