Sep 16, 2012 22:24
“Man up already! It’s nothing serious.”
Jessica could be pretty scary at times but Warren was refusing to move from the bed he was so comfortably wrapped up in. They’d done nothing but rehearse every day for two months and Warren just ached all over and his ankle was swollen. In fact, it was probably broken and Jessica just didn’t seem to care.
“But my ankle!” he protested, earning a glare from his dance partner. Why couldn’t see that he was in pain? Girls were just so blind to these things. However, a sudden hand gripping his ankle made Warren cry out like a crying baby and he began to thrash around. The grip loosened and Warren looked up to see Jessica giggling as she climbed on the bed next to him. Why was she so confusing with her mixed messages?!
“You girls are psycho.”
“You boys are wimps.”
Gray enjoyed having his nephew over, purely because the kid was probably the nicest boy he’d ever met. He was as good looking as his parents and his manners were impeccable. However, if there was one thing that he was above everything else it was that he loved his parents. Jenna’s thirtieth birthday was coming and Kyle had come to Gray months ago to ask if he could organize his mother a surprise party.
After a few talks with Joseph, Gray officially got the go ahead for the party and as such Kyle had started to spend much more time at his apartment than usual. Kyle had made sure all the decorations were up a week before the party was even due to take place and as such, Gray had to go out to meet Jenna and make sure she didn’t come into his apartment just so he could keep his nephew’s surprise.
Every person who had been invited had turned up and luckily Gray’s apartment was more than capable of holding them all. The room was silent as they waited for the clock to strike midnight. As soon as the minute hand hit twelve, there was a sudden flash in the middle of the room - and the birthday girl appeared with her husband.
Sparks began to shower down from the second and the party guests set off little poppers, covering Jenna in pink and yellow string. She let out a little squeal of delight before picking up her son who was smiling like he was the happiest boy in the world.
“Happy birthday mum.”
Joseph was away for Christmas for the first time ever and Jenna didn’t feel like celebrating it alone. They usually had Gray round in the evening anyway so she’d asked if she could spend the whole day with him. He’d been quick to agree; welcoming the company on what was usually a very lonely day for him.
Sat at a small round table, the duo had their Christmas dinners before them and stood wrestling over a cracker. “Pull harder!” Jenna protested, tugging as hard as she could to no avail. The cracker just didn’t want to break.
“I swear this is a magic cracker,” Gray sighed, tugging as hard as he could. The cracker suddenly exploded, rocking both of them back. Jenna managed to stay mostly upright - but Gray wasn’t quite lucky as he was sent flying back to the floor. Jenna laughed so hard she put her hand in the middle of her dinner, splashing gravy onto her dress.
They agreed to abandon the dinner in favour of cheesy movies. It was far less dangerous.
fandom: fgb