Alright, so I was just surfing the net and I ended up on these weird/funny/interesting gossip pages. Obviously there were posts about Cristiano, most of them pics. ^^ Thus, I am posting a few of the pics here because 1) these pics are brilliant 2) I'm silly.
This picture is here, because I've never seen that quote from Rooney before, and I love it. Found this
here. Who is that girl? An ex? I'm not really familiar with his dating background, except for Merche. I feel bad that he's talking to her and fondling his cock. *le sigh* But well, at least this way I got to see him fondle his cock. lol
Ehmm... See the theme of these pics?
I am loving this. ^^ lol
Oooh, I found a bigger and longer version of this moment I've seen in icons. Guh, I would so like to see that game!