Title: Sooner or Later (Chapter One)
Genres: Angst, Romance, Eventual Fluff
Ratings: PG
Who: Sho/Jun
Summary: Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction. -- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (Author of "The Little Prince")
Because you shouldn't settle for anything less than happiness... )
Comments 52
This is gorgeous. Jun is so weary and weighted down and I love that he has Aiba and Nino there for him. I'm really looking forward to seeing you continue this! ♥♥♥
Angst causes me so much pain to write, even if I know why it's happening and how I'm resolving it. Har. I'm so happy to know you think it's good enough to see through. :)
I'll be joining your community, if that's alright. ;D
Joining is totally fine. Welcome, welcome. :D
Oh, you! I love this about your writing so much. And your style is so well suited to Jun, too, with his watchfulness and the importance he places on things not said but understood. Sho's "Not possible" up there - or the way it shuts Jun down particularly - is perfect. This is Jun, guarded and a little hypersensitive, making himself reach out only to pull back if the water isn't exactly as he needs it. I also really like how this sets up a weird, formless tension between them. I can't wait to see how you handle this, I can tell already that it is going to be great.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. You always give the best compliments. <3
More....please... <3
While reading this, I actually wondered if you watched Jun's Oshaerism interview because he did mention that he fell for someone for 3 years (I'm not really sure) and he got rejected. My immediate reaction was what if it's Sho? O_O
So here we are. :D
But I like happy endings, so we're heading in that direction.
That's why I'm so happy you wrote this ♥
I'd like to think that Sho wanted to punch himself when Jun grew up into a splendid young man XD
i've seen the Oshareism interview. i am a HUUUUUGE sucker for sakumoto. and i never ONCE made the connection there, my brain never jumped to that possibility.
and omg yay for happy endings. ♥
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