Title: Appeal Who: Jun/Nino Rating: R (for being sexay) Summary: There are things about Nino that drive Jun mad. Notes: Requested by k_is_for_taty. I hope this is close enough to what you had in mind. <3
I LOVE THE INSIDE OF JUN'S HEAD. He's such a big dork. Nino's body is definitely not my type, but he does wear shorts a lot doesn't he? Hahaha. And he and Aiba have been working some leggings recently. What is with Japan and leggings on men?
It's strange... sometimes I find Nino really attractive (WEIRDLY ENOUGH... when he wears jeans, around the hip area... it gets me O___O) and other times I'm really not paying much attention, not really interested. Sho is the one that really... yeah. LOL. YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN. ;D
I was going to call them leggings and not "socks" but I wasn't sure if the term still applied when men wore them.
Sadly, I think it does.
AND OH HEY THERE YOU WON MY AUCTION. If you have anything more specific than just "yama pair friendship" let me know. If not, I'll just take it and run with it I guess. :)
Oh, I think Nino's attractive. Adorable even, but his body type (short, thin, hunchbacked lulz) is just not what I go "I want to tap it". Let's just say I like Nino for his mind and his personality. It's prob my own body issues that keep me from perving on skinny guys
( ... )
He *was* annoying. The shit he'd say about Aiba's gf, the way he clearly had no interest in the little girl...ohhhh I wanted to run him down. With a bicycle. And breaking up that wedding? OH DRAMAS. Tomoya-sensei...well, he got his episode with his son which might have made me tear up a bit, har har, but my preferred male preschool teacher will ALWAYS be Taiyo-sensei :)
You can have Sho mention his crush Satomi back home and I would have no problems with it!! So Shobe and Satorai are fine! Because I realize that with this whole auctioning thing and money being involved that it's kind of pressuring. I don't want anyone to feel pressured. At all. Which is why Shobe is a-okay (I like globes too, Sho)
I was going to call them leggings and not "socks" but I wasn't sure if the term still applied when men wore them.
Sadly, I think it does.
AND OH HEY THERE YOU WON MY AUCTION. If you have anything more specific than just "yama pair friendship" let me know. If not, I'll just take it and run with it I guess. :)
HAHAHAHA THAT GUY. He was annoying. But not as annoying as Tomoya-sensei. :|
You are my favorite person.
You can have Sho mention his crush Satomi back home and I would have no problems with it!! So Shobe and Satorai are fine! Because I realize that with this whole auctioning thing and money being involved that it's kind of pressuring. I don't want anyone to feel pressured. At all. Which is why Shobe is a-okay (I like globes too, Sho)
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