Title: It's Not Easy, Being Green
Genres: Cross-over, Pointless Fluff
Ratings: PG
Who: Kentaro - Kenta(Uta No Oniisan)/Taro(Yamada Taro Monogatari)
Summary: Kenta gets motivation to keep going from mysterious places, really. For example, being hugged in a broccoli suit.
Notes: Not really a pairing, more just a fluffy encounter, but
ruisetsuna drew me a really cute picture for this and I promised fic - so here it is!
"But aren't you excited about this, Kenta?" he was being asked by an irritatingly enthusiastic (though this description could work for any day, so perhaps it wasn't necessary to include it) Mamoru, and wondering why it never seemed his break time could ever be spent alone as so very badly needed.
"Not really," he answered, vaguely and truthfully, because really... he wasn't sure there was an actual point to all of this.
Saving the environment, probably. At least that was the advertised meaning behind everything being green for an entire week, the reasoning that somehow changing the color of their posters and eating vegetables between takes was supposed to solve global issues that had been around for years and years. It was a shame that this kept happening. This being the inevitable television gimmick that came around each month to make Kenta wonder if he was actually content with his so-called profession now.
He was only half listening to what was being said to him, just barely processing Mamoru's support of the message they were promoting to the world and Urara being in particularly good voice and quite possibly something about a bright and shining future, but it was all secondary to his inner struggle over just what he should pick to snack on. If he weren't going to be spending the rest of the day in a broccoli suit, he'd feel more comfortable about eating it now, and wasn't it stupid to lay carrot sticks out for everyone when they were very clearly orange? Of course, most of the struggle lay within the fact that Kenta even had a mental struggle over vegetables at all. It wouldn't be much of an exaggeration to say he didn't quite understand the world around him anymore. For example -
"Don't you think it's stupid we're trying to tell children what to buy for dinner? To make sure that they know the difference between what's organically grown and what's not?" he pointed out with a scoff, chomping down on a slice of cucumber as he conquered his indecision, "Shouldn't parents be paying attention to this stuff?"
"Children grow up to be parents. Might as well let them know about these things early," came the response, but not from Mamoru, and not from a voice he could claim to have heard before. He didn't have time to question how the set was constantly facing potential security issues (or was he the only one noticing that their television studio seemed to be letting anyone drop by without a pass these days?) before his head was spinning around of its own accord.
He wanted to argue the point, or maybe just come up with some other reason to not waste effort on the whole 'going green' concept ("Didn't half this city drive to work today? And I'm about to go have a smoke"), but the question flew out of his mouth before he could register why he was asking.
"How old are you?"
Okay, maybe he did know why he was asking. Because whoever it was, this person standing beside him now, he could have been of any youthful age without Kenta being too surprised. High school seemed likely, though there was something off about his overall appearance. His head too big for his body? The shoulders of his jacket pushing up off his shoulders instead of staying flat? Eyes a little droopy from staying up too late or maybe working a little too hard?
"Ah, Mimura-kun thought there might be jokes on a children's set. I promise I'm in University," the boy seemed to try and be polite and amusing both, but Kenta's jaw was too busy coming unhinged for him to reply, "And the vegetables are the best you could put on television."
University hadn't been one of the options.
But Mamoru was agreeing, or at least nodding, mouth still full of the broccoli that Kenta would weep for if he really had lost his mind today (and it felt close), but he could only focus on the smile he was being offered. The bright, genuine smile of someone far happier than maybe he'd ever been.
It made him want to quit immediately. Instead he pointed a finger in a way that was far from threatening.
"I'm not smiling until I have to."
It seemed unfair that every outfit he was ever made to wear came with a pair of furry shorts, not only because they felt more embarrassing than whatever monstrosity was then placed upon his head, but also because it made him sweat in regions he really didn't want to think about and certainly couldn't talk about in the presence of women and children. He'd never seen a bird or an acorn that he'd consider furry either, which made him suspect that the budget for the wardrobe department required some re-using of materials. After all, the rest of his costumes tended to be skin tight - it made sense that something be put in place to keep things appropriate.
He just wished it was something less heat trapping. As it were, he was almost positive he wouldn't feed broccoli to his hypothetical children if there was hypothetical fuzz on the hypothetical stem.
"Why don't you have furry shorts?" he asked Mamoru with a pout, wondering what the consequences of complaining to someone and begging for a decent pair of pants would be.
Mamoru was still talking.
"But really, you shouldn't have left. Taro was really interesting, telling us about his studies. He has so many siblings it just comes naturally to him, being good with kids that is. I wonder if we could put him in the actual show sometime? Seems a waste to have us say everything when he knows what he's talking about, and it's not like he has to sing or anything, right?"
Kenta's mind seemed to latch on to the part about this all being past tense, suddenly curious as to whether this Taro person had already left the set, a sinking feeling in his gut he didn't want to identify increasing the more he thought about it.
It was easier to be annoyed. Being annoyed was normal.
"His siblings are fans of the show. Just give his family tickets if you like him so much," he suggested as if it were obvious.
"They aren't fans of the show, though. They don't have a television."
He had to admit, it made him squirm a little. It was another reminder that it was a miracle for him to have found a job in the first place with the economy so questionable. Or, miracle might have been a bit strong, but fortunate worked nicely. It was still enough to make that sinking feeling grow a bit more, the frown now forming on his face. It could have been hunger (he'd not gotten to finish eating earlier), but more likely it was guilt.
Guilt for picking on vegetable suppliers with hearts of gold. He'd never claimed to have the best people skills.
"The real problem here is that I look like a tree," Kenta changed the subject completely, not noticing that said vegetable supplier had appeared in the doorway and was quietly observing the scene, "No one's going to believe I'm broccoli."
"I believe it," Taro spoke up, "And I'm supposed to tell you it's time to shoot."
Mamoru was out the door within seconds, more seconds than usual considering his eggplant costume gave him a bit of a waddle, but Kenta seemed unable to move, eyes fixed on Taro's and hand pulling awkwardly on the leafy perm atop his head.
"Are you sure?" he found himself needing reassurance, or maybe just more time with this sinking-gut-feeling person, "Broccoli doesn't wear furry shorts."
Kenta was also pretty sure that broccoli didn't have any red in it, but his cheeks were heating up regardless, Taro's arms suddenly around him and hugging him, like he'd said something horribly sad. Or really cute. Neither of which he could see as possible.
"It doesn't sing either," Taro stated with a light laugh, "But this feels okay. I'm an expert, you can trust me."
"Okay," was all Kenta could mutter before shuffling off to set, a twitch at the corner of his mouth, a smile fighting its way to the surface.
AN: Picture is
here! :D Not my best story, but ever since my Valentine's Day fic (which I'll be posting later when results are announced) I've been in a little bit of a writing slump and I wanted to do something no pressure. Sho/Nino is currently in the works! :D Hope you enjoyed this anyway!