
Dec 04, 2004 22:31

my Aeris for joanie is going like nowhere. lol she's beginning to anoy me cause she looks to cartooney to meet my standards! *throws across room* call it creative issues. my angel is comeing along nicely however. im actuaully beginng to be happy with the angel. simply cause dude.... the angel had some serious issues. i mean im still beating myself up over her and theres little things i would love to be alot different but right now... she's not dead... i am satisfied. even if the water looks like a planet.

im gonna start working on the Aeris pic alot and relallly realllly reallllllllllllllllllly hard. also sketch a few pictures as well simply cause the painting just isn't good enoungh for my mind! *points to a few posts ago* that's it and it still sucks! i didn't do a thing to it since cause im to lazy XP! then il make the lovely plushie and send it to Joanie somehow ^_^ an Aeris goodey basket!

i don't know why but ive just been wanting to make other cosplayers that i really admire things as a suprise. i think really as a way to repay them for inspiring me. but i know that there will be 3 little Yuna's sent out on their way to happy new homes and the loving arms of Heki-Chan, Yuna and YuffieLeonHeart. Shhhhhhhhhhhh! dunt tell none of them. im calling this my project plushie and there are a great deal of plushies to be made and sent out to a few people who idolize the character but until i am further into construction i will release no more infornmation except the fact that the characters might not all be human. ^_^!

Seriously does someone want to make me a freaking layout? im tired of attempting to i hate this system.

ok a few cosplay things:

-I have joined Cosplaylab.com. my user name is MemoriesofYuna. like it wouldn't be?!

-it is oficiol. today december 4th is the last time that Wedding Yuna will see daylight unless i decide to do a random photoshoot for it. yes it is true... wedding Yuna is retired. i took a few last pictures of it that il post later.... goodbye love.

and my diet is simply spiffy! im drinking 23082484 gallons of water each day. i mentiond to dillan that i had been like living off water for the past 3 days and she was like "Teresa if you don't eat il kill you. please eat something for me!" AND I was like "lol! im eating just drinking lots of water and dieting. im not anorexic!" and she was like "oh... well that's fine then!" ^_^ MY FRIENDS CARE! -Aseret Yuna

Edit: ok i just did a quick aeris sketch of the oficiol art. yhea im sorry you can't see it verry well but it's downsized here people ^_^ I am sorry. but you get the gyiest of it. eiher that or go check out my gallery and give me pageviews. im on deviantart.com as ThePumpkinQueen

EDIT: ok ok here it is already ^_^

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